
1 Conversation

The Great White Way. There's no business like show business. Etc. Etc. and so forth...

But what really IS broadway? Is it merely just a street housing a collection of theatrical buildings in which people prance around on stage? Or is it something more? Some people, the "Rent-heads" for example, regard the Nederlander Theatre more as a Mecca than a theater. It can also be the scene of many terrible break-ups when girlfriends take their boyfriends to see a show and he doesn't like it, so she will hence call him insensitive and break up with him.
Broadway can also be an incredibly happy place--wouldn't you be happy if you just saw a musical about people getting killed in the Holocost? Neither would I, but it's the other plays that make people happy. Disappointment reeks on the street during an open-audition session (this is where random people can show up and audition for whatever is having the open-audition) when someone gets cut (of course the casters are more disappointed at the people who they have to listen to for eight hours straight.) So, as beautiful and glorious as it is--deep down inside, there is something dark and sinsister looking in the sewers beneath Broadway. The depression of those who get caught in the web of this beast is so immense that they feel the need to take it out on stage--thus making the perfect actor.


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