The Dark Side of Religion

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The Dark Side of Religion

Religion has, in the past and in the present, created much bloodshed and disharmony. Animals, including cute little sheep and even humans, have been tortured and maimed and burned because they have been sacrificed to God. And that's not even the worst part. Religion has divided mankind. Religion creates useless differences when there used to be none. For example, the Nazis have killed the Jews because of their religion. People are fighting for Jerusalem. Differences in religion are a bloody thing, and nobody can deny that.

I question the benefit of religion. The things which religions hold most dear have no value in reality. Are people wasting their time in church? Is the space that is reserved for the church justified, or is the space better used as a park? Why does religion have to exist? Many lives would have been saved if it had not existed.

Multiple religions create a bundle of confusion. It is agreed among religions that there is only one god, yet each religion has a different god. Which god is real? That is probably irrelevant, since people think that their own god is real. People believe that they are worshipping the god that is real, but in fact, all but one religion is worshipping nothing. When people go to heaven (if it exists), it will create a massive pandemonium when they find out that the god that they have worshipped does not exist.

One religion is ok, but more than one is morally unacceptable (for the welfare of the world). Unless people sacrifice more animals and human beings to their gods or argue with each other because of religious differences, one should remain impartial to religion.

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