Trisagion Mountain

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This mountain is a place of note, as everything on it happens in threes. It has three kinds of weather - hail storms in which thunder and lightning crackle across the sky and if you don't have something hard to put over your head you've had it, Feathery snow fall and the Hot Sun when the snow melts and it gives the general impression that some bored God's just poured a swimmingpool over the mountain - stay high and stay anchored. The mountain has three distinct levels - the lower slopes covered in alpine trees (three different kinds), the upper slopes which are full of caves and yetis, and the peaks - hard rock and (when it's not the Hot Sun) ice.
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<header>Travelling the Trisagion Mountain</header>
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There is only one way to get from the upper slopes to the peaks. In the upper slopes is the Chimney cave. A tube of rock that arches up to the level of the peaks. A large boulder, smooth with use must be slid on the ice to seal the entrance to the cave. Then you wait for the Hot Sun. The Chimney begins to fill with water as it oozes swiftly through the porous walls. Stay afloat and you will be bourne to the top by water. The chimney is too narrow to fly up, and not even a dragon could fly the winds of Trisagion Mountain. Once up one must wait for it to snow again, then you can walk from the top of the chimney, to the peaks. And who knows what treasures lie there?
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<header>Special Rules</header>
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No magic can be used to induce weather other than the three that naturally occur on the peaks (lightning/hail, feather snow, Hot Sun).
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Special Runes adorn the mountain. They refer to a mountain God who rules it. There are those who believe that the mountain is infact ruled by three Gods - One reigning over each weather and area of the mountain, and that to call upon their name in their area will bring you luck, and to call their name upon the wind will bring the weather they govern. The tavern at the bottom of the steppes will probably have old wise people who know.

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