Waiting for Beauty

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So we've decided to enlarge our little family here. We're already outnumbered by animals 2 to 1, but I do want another dog before Buster gives up entirely, or becomes so old that it's too much disruption for him to get used to a new dog.

Abi suggested a long time ago that I consider a greyhound, so I've spend a long time considering it, and as I'm not permanently employed at the moment I think now is probably the best time to really look into it by seeing actual dogs. Ex-racing greyhounds don't come house trained, with a name they answer to, or with any understanding of houses, hoovers or family life, or with any 'sit/stay' type training so I'll need to give it much more attention than I would a 'normal' dog.

Checking out

I've been to see one today (11th June 05), the rescue kennel selected a few for me from what I said on the phone. I saw one - I didn't see a need to inspect them all, because I'm not interested in buying for looks. This one is 'identified' as Lizzie, seems very laid back, walks on a lead *way* better than my mutt, is a dark brown (they called her black) and she didn't eat Buster, or him eat her. I think this could work, so next weekend I'm going back to see her again and will hopefully be able to bring her home after I've done the home visits and 'interview' with the kennel manager. I'll make sure that I bring her home in a week that I've got no work, so it could be four weeks before I get to bring her home, but that gives me time to read all the leaflets they've given me, watch the two videos they've lent me, and raid the pet shop for more goodies.

Dog Walking

I visit the rescue centre with my dog and my son to see how she is, and take her for a walk about once a week. After a couple of weeks, I get my home check and am approved - hurrah! She comes home with me for a day on 26th June to see how she gets on with the rabbits. She loves them! And tries to have them for her tea. I sit with her outside for around an hour saying 'no' a lot as she stares and stalks, and then tries to pounce. After realising she's not really learning anything by this, I get out a water pistol and give her little squirts to distract her.

This still doesn't really teach her anything - she moves away but soon goes back. So I get out the Big Guns. A really big, pressure water super soaker thing. She takes notice of that! And I don't direct it at her, honest. She just moves into the jet sometimes. She gets the hint now...

I have her back again on 2nd July because I'm getting quite fond of her now. She's obviously remembered the water pistol, because I often don't have to do more than just pick it up and she moves away from the rabbits, just sort of staressullenly at them. A few times I spray the bamboo, as the noise distracts her enough to make her move away. At least once I do have to soak her a bit though, but at least it's promising that she's better than last time.

We had her back on the 10th July as well, and spent some time with my mum and her dogs. They all pretty much ignored each other really, although I'd like to see what they are like when mum comes home and her lot get all excited. She was better with the rabbits again, so I let her wander in and out as she pleased. I did have to shoot the water pistol out of the window though, as she's not quite so well behaved when she's outside on her own. I'll sneakily watch her from the upstairs bedroom when she comes home to stay, and shoot from there - that way she'll learn that the almighty Mina is always watching (something that J knows all too well...)

Choosing a name

I need a name for her though - I don't like calling dogs by human names, and she doesn't know that 'Lizzie' is her name anyway.

I'd like something doggy, but not as doggy as Buster, so no Rover, Fido, or Patch. Not that she's got a patch anyway, but you get my meaning. Any suggestions? It's got to be something I can shout at her when she's buggering off into the distance that I won't feel embarrassed about! I'd like to have a name for her by next weekend, so I can start calling her by it.

Also, anyone with any experience of greyhounds who might think it's a crappy idea for me to get one, now would be a good time to mention it!

I finally decided on 'Beauty'. J tells me that she doesn't look like Sleeping Beauty, but I chose it because I loved the Black Beauty book when I was a kid, and watched the TV series every week (although it really had nothing to do with the book).


h2g2 Researcher Greydesk does some research on our behalf: She was born on Valentine's Day - http://www.igb.ie/Greyhounds.aspx?id=Lizzy%20The%20Lark

Three races: one win as the favourite and two third places, one again as the favourite and the other as second favouite. I guess it was these last two that indicated that she wasn't cut out for the race game.


Number Six joins in with the whole 'research' thing.

Those were definitely proper races Trials are usually listed in class as beginning with 'T' - 'A7' and 'A8' are the real McCoy.

It's funny though - she came 3rd in her first two races in the 'A7' category, then they dropped her down to the 'A8' class and she got her first ever win. She led early and ran easily the fastest time of her career.

Then they retired her. That doesn't really make sense unless she got an injury - you'd think a dog that had won a race would be given another go, even if the win was only in the 'A8' class which is pretty small potatoes ('A1' being the best).

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