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Human Thief
Body: 13 (+1) (+2) = 17
Mind: 10 (+1) (+1) (+1) = 13
Soul: 7 (+1) = 8

-Legal Immunity
-Magically Adept
-Psionic Mastery

-Fear of Fires (+2)
-Socially Wary (+1)
-Slightly Obsessive-Compulsive(+1 instead of +2, notice the 'slightly')

Psionic Abilities (Do you have to list them, or can you use any as long as it adds up to the latency?)
If so, then...
-Gravity Well

Several things:

Is 'rouge' supposed to be 'rogue'?
Also, I think a human should only get one ability, perhaps. two is really a lot. or maybe 'magically adept' and 'psionic mastery' should be worth two abilities; they really are quite big things.

Oh yes:

weapon: scimitar
ranged: shortbow
armor:light leather

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