An amazing spectacle.

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I sit at my desk contemplating the days events when a golden beam of light falls across my computer keyboard. At first i pay no attention and continue reading my e-mails and other correspondance. All of a sudden the golden beam changes to a rich coppery red, I look out of my window to see the most spectacular sunset. The sky is a rich deep purple which is augmented by a narrow bronze band just above the horizon, below this there was the merest hint of jade green. I reach for my camera to preserve this spectacle. I take aim and "click" the fake shutter noise sounds, i check how the picture looks on the display screen. It looks not even half as spectacular as its real life counterpart. I take aim again hoping for a better picture but alas the camera cannot capture the subtle colours or the way it is all so beautifuly contrasted against the trees. I sigh and turn back to my computer screen with a smile on my face. The pictures that my camera takes may never match seeing it firsthand, but they could serve as a useful reminder for days when the sun has failed to shine or when I am feeling a little under the weather myself.

I tell a friend about the spectacle I had witnessed, "but it was just a sunset" came the bored reply. To me though it was so much more than a sunset, just as being outside whilst it is snowing is more than just being snowed on. These little moments of sheer wonder and awe serve as reminders as to how lucky I am to be able to enjoy the sights i see every day. As long as I can remember the beauty of a sunset or the wonder and awe of walking whilst it is snowing I know that I will always have something to smile about no matter how small.

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