Livin' on the air in Cincinnati
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Take for example, the architecture in this town. Some of the best stuff I've ever seen. More round rooms than you can shake a stick at. If I ever move, I'm gonna miss that the most. Union Terminal, Music Hall, Keys Cresent, Carew Tower, Mt Echo Park... The list can go on... I do love the architecture.
Hills. Took em for granted all these years. I now understand that hills are a priviledge, not a right. Man is a lot of this country flat as a board! Boring! But, they miss the fun of tryiing to "drive" down Straight Street in the winter.
Fossils. Took these for granted too. Pick up a native rock (concrete doesn't count) and look at it. Fossils all over it. Anywhere else, just a damned rock.
Humidity - Wow..... I still insist that when you move here you should be requisitioned gills. Man oh man! Hills + river = steam bath.
Sausages - What heathen b******s decided that metts and sausages besides kielbasa and smoked didn't exist outside of here? I mean, if I can't get bierwurst or metts, what the hell good is it!?
Beer - A staple of this rather German town. Beer. Octoberfest. Beer. Taste of Cincinnati. Beer. Riverfest. Beer. Are you sensing a pattern here?
Please - The word "please" used in a questioning way as in "please?" is a local colloquialism that means the same as "pardon me" or "excuse me". Basically, if you hear someone say "please?" after you've said something, they mean "please repeat yourself, I didn't hear you." Apparently, the German word for excuse me and please are similar and this being a german town, it kinda got stuck here.
Cincinnati Chili - More addictive than crack. It is a beanless chili that you eat over spaghetti noodles or over hotdogs in buns. It is the absolute best food you can get your grubby little mitts on.
How to order Cincinnati Chili (they come with oyster crackers on the side)
2 way = Spaghetti and Chili
3 way = Spaghetti, Chili and cheese (cheddar)
4 way = Spaghetti, Chili, cheese and onions or beans
5 way = Spaghetti, Chili, cheese, onions, and beans
Ordering "heavy" means extra of whatever you want (say onions).
Tobasco is the only thing to put on this. Other hot sauces are substandard. And a fountain Pepsi product is the only way to go (this is all they serve in our local chili establishments)
Ordering a Coney (they will ask if you want onions and mustard if you don't specify)
Coney = Bun, hotdog, Chili
Coney with onions and mustard (or "with")= Bun, hotdog, Chili, onions, and mustard
Cheese Coney = Bun, chili, hotdog, Cheese
Cheese Coney "with" = same as coney "with" but with Cheese.
Again Tobasco is the only thing you can use.
You can actually have this stuff delivered to your home if you don't live locally (to feed the addiction for the junkies that had to move away). is where you can get your fix.