Cat Cat

1 Conversation

.....just had a phone call to say the cat at work had been found dead.

.....she was a lovely cat, bright green eyes, very fluffy, looked Tabby colour, lovely and friendly!

.....she was called ''Cat Cat'', we never knew her real name, but she answered to Cat Cat , so that's what we called her.

.....she popped her head in the open door at work for a few seconds about 8 or 9 years ago, about a minute a few days later, then made her self a permanent fixture. Usually coming in once a day for a stroke or sleep in corner.

....over the years she became more and more dependant on the food we were giving her, and often slept there over night, on a chair, or under radiators. Eventually, we felt she left her original home, if she ever had one, and was living with us....often sleeping all day in her patch in corner of garden.

....she had a lovely personality, loved being stroked, but seemed a little stressed at times the older she was getting....could have been 12 or 13, hard to tell. She had developed a bad limp, perhaps arthritus, in back leg, and didn't seem to be looking after herself as much as she used to, so perhaps it was her time to leave us.

.....sleep well Cat Cat, lots of love. I'm glad I went to work on Christmas day just to feed you, and gave you a stroke last time I saw you.

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