Cymoril the Tormentor

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Name: Cymoril the Tormentor
Race: Dark elf female whose father had a little tete-a-tete with a daemon. As a result Cymoril is winged and has a pair of big horns curving up from her brow, over her head and down to her shoulders. No tail though.
Class: Slayer (orc/half orc - she's sick of getting acosted by them when she goes to the surface for victims)
Subclass: White Mage (or her victims don't last very long...)
Armour: none
Barbed whip (right hand)
Silver gilt claws (counts as dagger) (left hand)

(conferred by race and career)
Magically Adept
Dark Vision
Life Magic Affinity
(taken away subtle aura: peace as it seemed a little unrealistic for my character can I have the wings in exchange for it?)
Quick Reflexes
Chosen Quarry - Orcs
Resolute Stalking

(Abilities conferred by stats)
Craft: Torture master,
Unholy Ancestry


Arrogant (for extra point in mind)

Stats : 14/16/13


Charm (4)
Heal (4)
Pacify (3)
Shelter (1) (she hates the light)
Remove Pain (1) (only to tease)

Personality - Cymoril is an arrogant sadist. She believes that other creatures are there to fulfil her sadistic pleasures.


Blessing (2)
Blessed Reversal (4)
Cure (2)
Deafening Voice (2)
Heal (0)
Heal Minor (2)

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