How to find Gold crowns

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The underlying problem of this description is that you swallowed one of those expensive gold inlays from your teeth.
Be aware: The following text has some unaesthetic contents. I am a veterinarian and I am used to dig in the dirt, but all sensibles should stop reading further and instead switch to any research done on flowers.

All started when I was at dinner chewing a slice of this tough rug bread a lot of germans keep to promote in their foreign holidays simply not acknowledging this research you are about to read.
Seconds after swallowing I had the feeling of a hole in my mouth. My tongue moved nervously around trying to confirm that nothing happened. But there was a big hole. I started to sweat which is normal to people whose uncle is a dentist and who didn't have own money to pay for their gold inlays. So I considered putting my finger in the throat to provoke an inversed digesting process and puke out the inlay. But briefly before I had consumed a big meal and consequently I had no interest in digging around in large amounts of vomitus. Unfortunately I managed to displace the fact that much worse digging was waiting for me, when I didn't do anything this very minute.

Like human beings tend to be I decided to wait it out.

Which was nice for some hours.

Now the last warning for sensible persons. There is nice botanical garden research at Go and find out.
If you don't have gold inlays or if you are rich enough to pay for gold inlays you have absolutely no need to read further. The forthcoming text is meant for desperate people in really bad situations only.

As long as internet is not really multimedia you'll be saved from worth impacts, but I will bear no responsibilty if one day TDV has invented Word-to-Smell electronics.

When the need to visit the bath room appeared, I started investigating. I found a book about human food passage times. The shortest passage could be 5 hours. I was under that limit and had an enjoyable time at the place.

But somewhat later, the need came again and - name it directly - I had to fish a gold nugget out of my feces. I cannot say that I could relax in this waiting hours which I was sure has been named with something scientific by Sigmund Freud.

So I settled a small package with a piece of newspaper and a fork, after spending a long time thinking about filter systems, instruments and methods. But newspaper and fork seemed to be the most appropriate tools.
In this moment I also aquired the knowledge why german farmers could keep their profession for centuries although their business makes losses year after year. They must have filters for the stuff they put out on their fields. Sometimes I will spend a day at those twilight shops, where you can sell gold crowns and check who is selling the stuff.

Please, again you still have time to switch to the much more aesthetic flower section of the guide. Also all people owning professional electronic metal finding equipment can stop reading now. You can address the problem in a much easier unproblematic way.

So I sat over a thick sheet of newspaper, built a big pile and then scratched the dung along the paper, searching for metal pieces. First I thanked the animal mass industry that they drove me into vegetarianism, because the smell of the feces was tolerable. But after that I reviled the whole food movement which is to blame for all the solid non digestable parts in your feces. After being not successfully I dropped the dirty newspaper into the toilet waited that it soaked enough water to become weak and flushed it to the farmers. I cleaned the fork and put all my bath room stuff into a special plastic bag.

I had to repeat the procedure a few times until after about 24 hours of thorough investigation I was rewarded and my fork revealed the nugget.
I brushed it, cleaned it, desinfected it. And that's the point were I stop the story... My uncle doesn't know anything. Hope it will be of help some day.

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