classical guitar/addendum

2 Conversations

Some helpful facts that you may want to include;

The guitar came from, as previously stated, around the 16th century, and is the culmination of many stringed instruments mainly from Mediterranean, European and North African cultures. Some were made entirely of wood, some were made of turtle and armadillo shells, with a wooden top piece and neck. This is what lead to the 'rounded back' instruments such as the 'Lute' a five-double-stringed variation from Northern Europe, the 'Oud' a Greek fretted instrument made from wood or
shells at different times, and, in the far east, the 'Vina'- a fretless
guitar-like instrument made with a gord, similar to the Indian 'Sitar'.

All these various shapes, sizes and combinations of strings began
to sort themselves out by the late 1700s, and the guitar began to take
on it's familiar form little by little. As great guitarists like Italian Fernando Sor and violin legend Paganinni (an incredible guitarist as well) grew more proficient, they began transcribing the piano works of the great masters for the guitar. Sor was known for his adaptation of Mozarts' 'Magic Flute'. The instrument went through an intense period of development in Italy and Spain, and by 1900 the guitar was made predominantly in Spain, resembling the hour-glass beauty we know today, with it's six comforting nylon strings.

The technique of playing the guitar was further enhanced by the stunning talent of one Andres Segovia, born in Spain around the turn of the century. At age 15, he revolutionized the hand position and movement, and his methods are the backbone of classical guitar technique to this day. His landmark changes in fingering led to the guitar taking on an active role in the orchestra, whereas it had been relegated to solo and chamber performance in the past. This new way of handling the guitar brought out more sound, more volume, a wider range of tone, and sparked a whole new round of progress in guitar makers, setting the standards for a true 'concert' guitar, the six string equivalent of a Steinway piano. These standards still apply today, with a handmade spanish 'A1' guitar costing upwards of $10,000.00 or more.

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