( The) real intro./ ( 2005/2005 AD/, year 2005/2005 AD)./

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<book> I'm Le(e)am. My family is out of Southtown Chicago, Ct Metro; Norwich Tri-state metro, D.C. Washington ( government), the en/intirer state of C.A., & Hell's' Kitchen/ Castlebay where I stay & flip's' up, side down. Family build't Chicago & D.C. Washington has been mine for sometime. Also out of Virginia ( government); my families home away from home. Famous people ( just like myself) were Al Capone ( died in the early 1900's', Alfred *******), Jessica ******* ( Jesus Christ # 2), & Billy the Kid/ William H. Bonney ( William ********). ( The most re(c)ent famous of my family). The legal murder/killing business, government, & some other business's' have run in my family for sometime & still to this day with myself/ because of me. <book>
<book> You may be wondering why the last name's' up top are x'd/star'd out. It's' because over the course of history/ whole/ en/intirer history, my family in whole have changed my last name 5 time's'. I'll be the sixth & alone/ by myself to change my last name/ my families last name again. It has alway's' been a/an tradition that my family changes' our last name(/ my last name since singular now) in ode &/or memory of other's', adoption's' ( which I am), & if one must sub-due more then another then personal gratt-iss for a/an/ the community of government. The personal gratt-iss doesn't exsist anymore I'm pretty sure whatever it was got worked/iron'd/stomp'd out. <book>
<book> I myself was just re(c)sently dubb'd the figurer head of the younger government/ gang/ crew; called/named the I.T.H.S.. Not named after but, simular to the government/ gang/ crew from the 1940's' the H.S./ H.C. ( if was compared to). Inhouse/home government only. <book>
<book> Wondering how I got the figurer head position more then likily & if it came there/ went to there? It was a/an came to the attention of & is government/home only. So if it's' not then, if was, what would I be/ where am I at? Well maybe you would know Steiner & Briener, I actually named the Z.H.. ( Z.H./ The Z.H. was the last name on the board) which is The Wonder's', also/ as well known as The Greaser's'. I'm Brieners' 2nd in charge actually. Clinton not Hillary but, Bill/ William is in here/there somewhere. Do have a/an movie/film out. Movie/film: The Wonder's'/ 1st Wonder's'/ Wonder's' Gang movie/film. I was the guy aka/ also known as: the guy with the bat. Some people know me as Boom because of my ever wide polbilis-i-ty & some people know me as Casaonova number 2. From top: ... Casaonova/ Casaonova number 1 was Alfred.
<book> ( A.C.E. number listed after, label'd A & number).....Wondering more about me./ A4353464 . <book>
<book> ( A.C.E. number listed after, label'd A & number).....What I've done in my spare time & a/an couple of photo.'s. of me in here./ A4353572 . <book>
<book> ( A.C.E. number listed after, label'd A & number).....More stuff about myself./ A4353653 . <book>

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