IMAX Theatre
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The IMAX Theatre Technology is, quite possibly, without a doubt, the most advanced theatre technology on the face of Earth. Six- to eight-storey screens, followed by the most immense in surround sound systems makes IMAX less a movie, more an experience.
The IMAX Screen
As said before, this behemoth is between six and eight storeys tall. Spanning from one wall to the other, and from the floor to the ceiling, once the film starts, it's hard to tell where the screen ends, that's how bloody huge it is. Hidden behind it is a key element of the surround sound system - A good six or more massive (we're talking 24 inches and more) speaker cabs are hidden behind the screen in order to give you lifelike sound that sounds like it's coming from the mouth of whoever's saying or whatever's making it.
When attending an IMAX presentation, many people recommend sitting in the middle of the super-slanted theatre: in that position, you see more of the picture, less of the frame. Unfortunately, most people know this; get near the front of a line if you want a chance at this choice seating! (This section regarding seating suggested by Bossel - U132240)
The IMAX Sound
The sound in a standard IMAX theatre is even better than the image in believability, fidelity and precision. True, the fidelity and precision and hard to beat, but the sound is incredible. Using a six-channel sound system, chock-filled with 24" and bigger woofers, and huge subwoofers mounted into the floor and behind the screen, as well as equally large midranges and tweeters, not only will the sound never break up, but if your eyes were closed, you'd think you were there, especially considering they record the sound digitally, and not using the normal analogue method of most film. This sound is included on three CDs per film, and are synchronised to the film by computer.
The IMAX Film
IMAX film is something again. Consider this:
Camcorder film is 8mm on the diagonal
Typical photographic film is 35mm on the diagonal
Typical movie film is 70mm on the diagonal
IMAX film is ten times the area of 35mm, and about 3 times the area of 70mm. Its dimensions are around 70mm by 70mm! (this clipping of data provided by Ausnahmsweise wie Ueblich - U165408)
That's monstrous! Then consider that it's being projected onto a screen that's probably 20m tall - which, coincidentally, puts it at about 35m on the diagonal.. and considering that we know the image is incredibly high-fidelty at that distance, consider how fine an image you'd see if you took a peek at this foot-across film.
The IMAX Projector
The IMAX projector is another piece of art in science. It uses something they call "Rolling Loop" film movement. Translation? Rather than feed the film vertically, as they do in 70mm projectors, the IMAX film is fed horizontally. It's fed through a number of rollers and capstans, then vacu-sucked up against the lens, positioned absolutely perfectly so that you'll get the best and most static in image focus and position. The projectors themselves are massive - and all closed-in.
The bulb's a lot brighter, too - up to one-third brighter, and if that's appearing a third brighter, that means that the bulb is actually about 10 times brighter. Gotta love logarithmic brightness sense. :-)
The History of IMAX
The IMAX Theatre was created, by three guys named Grame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr, for Montréal's EXPO'67. EXPO already used megascreen theatres, but those theatre used several projectors to show the image. IMAX uses a single, huge projector to have the entire image displayed. Numerous advantages come from this:
Uniform position
Uniform focus
Uniform brightness
Uniform film speed
Uniform position in the film
So, as you can see, IMAX was definitely an innovation over the technology available at the time.
At this time, IMAX technology is being used in nearly 200 theatres in 22 different countries throughout the world.
In the mid-1950s, a similar technology was developed, entitled 'Vista-Vision'. Vista-Vision used 35mm film, run horizontally through the projector, just like how today's green-screening and older blue-screening technology operates.
The beauty of IMAX is that its massive film, rather than using a 3:8 aspect ratio, such as is used in movie 70mm film, uses a 3:4 aspect ratio - just like your television! (This section suggested by Fruitbat (Eric the) - U37208)
IMAX in Three Dimensions
Obviously, if you want to see anything in 3D, you need two images. Any creature that can see is given at least two eyes. Virtual Reality helmets offer two slightly different images. IMAX 3D films with two cameras, and thereby projects with two images.
Don't get me wrong, though - 3D film has been around for a while, but this 3D doesn't use cardboard "glasses" with a red and a blue filter. Oh no. IMAX 3D uses modern technology to offers us image depth. Each lens in the projection is polarised (passed through a special transparent filter), and then the glasses you wear have matching polarised lenses. The left lens receives only the information sent by the left projector, and vice versa. This polarisation effect makes it actually pretty odd when you look at someone else who's wearing the glasses. Normally their eyes are 3D - not anymore!
Fun IMAX facts!
If you were to put a big log directly in front of an IMAX projector, it would spontaneously combust!
On average, 12.7 kg (28 pounds) of garbage is collected after each IMAX show!
A typical 2D 45-minute IMAX film is 4.5 km (3 miles) long!
If you were on the moon and someone turned on an uncovered IMAX projector bulb, you could see it with the naked eye. After all, the bulbs put out 15 000 watts.
The word IMAX is derived from Maximum Image.
OMNIMAX (or IMAX Dome) screens can be up to 30m (99 feet) in diameter!
IMAX film is built solid - it could pull a truck!
Important Links
IMAX Technology database
IMAX's official list of IMAX theatres around the world