Rubber (eraser) dustings.

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Another part of stationary waste whos value has long gone unrecognised is rubber dustings.

Once again, I will list their so far unused uses.
1)rolling them all together makes a new rubber. You'll never have to buy one again!
2) colour them in all different colours and use them as alternative hundreds and thousends. Poison unwanted siblings by putting them on a delicious-looking chocolate cake.
3) Play sand for childrens play grounds.
4) Fake snow for those budget christmas'.
5) Fish food for when you are roped into feeding the neighbours fish while they go on an exotic holiday.
6) And finaly... brush them on the floor in school to annoy your teacher with the mess! It is the other perfect crime as you can't proove you used your rubber!!

Therefore, I propose, the first Thursday of every month should be dedicated to Rubber Dustings Day. Soon the whole week will be dedicated to stationary waste!! Woo hoo!

Coming soon - used tea bags!

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