Deer Valley Golf Course, Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, USA

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When the dairy farmer who rented their 132-acre spread in Dauphin County's South Hanover Township retired in 2000, landowners Bob and Sally? Stern didn't know what they wanted to do with their property. Eventually they hit upon the idea of converting the farm into a golf course and with the help of general manager and course superintendent Bill Wall, the course opened to the public on 30 April, 2005.

The course is a nice 18-hole layout that plays 6,027 yards from the back tees with enough challenges for an accomplished golfer but also with enough forgiveness for the less experienced player. The

The Course
No 1 - This par-4 bends ever so slightly to the left and runs 348 yards to the middle of the green. Steep slopes to the left, back and right of the green will carry any approach shots that fail to stick to the green. There is also trouble down the right side and a heavy slice may find a small pond hidden at the bottom of a steep embankment.

No 2 - At 483 yards, this par-5 forces players to hit over a ravine to an open area that eventually leads to the green. A shot left will quickly find out of bounds. The green itself is at the top of a hill and the sides feature steep slopes that will force accurate approach shots.

No 3 - Should you or shouldn't you? This 287-yard downhill par-4 forces players to do some soul-searching. The green is drivable, but if you come up short you'll be in a pond and if you push the drive left you'll find out of bounds. Long, accurate drives are rewarded with an easy birdie.

No 4 - The first of the course's five par-3s, this hole plays longer than its 135 yards as you are hitting uphill and into the wind. The green is wide if a bit shallow making club selection critical for a good score.

No 5 - This par-5 features a first shot uphill that then tempts a player to go for the green over the out-of-bounds stakes down the right side of the fairway.

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