Spicy Chick Peas

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  1. 250gr Chick Peas (dried weight)
  2. 2 onions
  3. 1 each red, green and yellow pepper
  4. fresh root ginger, grated (about 2 tbsp)
  5. 3 tbsp tomato puréer
  6. 1 tsp cumin
  7. 2 tsp coriander (dried)
  8. dried chilli powder (according to taste - be careful!)
  9. a little oil (of your choice) for frying
  10. fresh coriander (if available - not totally indispensable) for garnish


Day 1 -
Soak chick peas overnight (or you could use tinned, but they go a bit mushy).

Day 2 -

  1. Put chick peas in a large pan and cover generously with water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a "strong simmer" and leave to cook until tender (top up water if necessary).
  2. When cooked, drain - reserving the stock - and put to one side.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and when it's hot add the spices and cook them for a minute or two.
  4. Turn down the heat and add the onions and peppers.
  5. While they are cooking, mix the tomato purée to the stock and mix well.
  6. When the vegetables are just starting to go soft, add the chick peas and stock and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes. Most of the liquid should disappear.

That's it!

This can be eaten hot (with rice, bread.... whatever) or cold as a salad. It tastes best on the 2nd day, hot or cold.
You can add/subtract ingredients as you like, or increase/decrease the proportions according to taste.

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