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I tried so hard to enjoy this movie.

Ever since I went to the Saturday afternoon Matinee of the original Star Wars way back in 1977 I have wondered how Darth Vader became Darth Vader, why the Galaxy far far away was in civil war, and how the Empire had exterminated the Jedi.

At last with the release of Episode III these questions were about to be answered.

The previous 2 movies in this prequel trilogy had been such disappointments. The Phantom Menace & Attack of the Clones may have had flashy state of the art CGI effects but were completely devoid of the magic and charm of the original trilogy.

What I loved about the original trilogy (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) was they never took themselves too seriously. The script was full of humor & innuendo.

I loved battered up old space ships like the Millenium Falcon that had there own personality. When you were on a sand planet, you could feel the sand in your shoes, when on a snow planet you could feel the chill. All the characters good & bad were so likeable you couldn’t help but be on their side and care what happened to them.

All this was lost in the prequels.

The plot was muddled, acting atrocious and the dreadful Jar Jar Binks, intended I guess to be the Chewbacca of the new trilogy, was nothing but painful!

And so we come to Revenge of the Sith.

Surely this one, which will link the original Star Wars to the prequels, will have some of the old magic. Sure fans (of the original trilogy) like myself knew what was going to happen. Anakin was going Turn to the Dark side, Luke & Leia would be born & Palaptine would become the evil Emperor with Darth Vader his loyal sidekick. But this meant there was much to look forward too.

A tear came to my eye as the familiar Star Wars fanfare filled the theatre and the opening crawl rolled up the screen. The opening was suitably impressive, being plunged into a massive space battle above Coruscant, but the stilted banter between Anakin & Obi Wan had me worried.

Once this action was finished, alas, we were back to the wooden acting of the previous prequels. My only joy was to see a short glimpse of the Millennium Falcon landing at a docking bay below Anakin’s transporter.

Here were the mother & father of my heroes Luke & Leia talking with about as much chemistry as 2 brick walls. The supposedly all-knowing Jedi couldn’t pick up a Sith right under their noses. The legendary hunting down of Jedi consists of some soldiers turning around & shooting them in the back...

I had a bad feeling about this.

Then there are the CGI backdrops. Sure they’re colourful & sharp, but they are so sterile. Since when has the universe been like a hospital wing – Please give us rust & dust!

Finally the thing I thought they couldn’t stuff up – Anakin becoming Darth. What should have taken months – going from good to bad – took about 2 lame sentences. Just when the fight between Obi Wan & Anakin was getting interesting, it was over in a single blow. So then, are they going to makethe putting on of the famous Darth Vader armour, at dramatic event.

Have Anakin writhing in agony on the medical table as the armour is being forged, the Emperor whispering evil words in his ear as his heart turns truly dark...

But no – the armour slapped on in seconds and his first words were to ask about his wife. Darth Vader as sentimental wimp, and not an evil, emotionless tyrant? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I tried so hard to enjoy this movie.

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