H2G2 Quizbowl

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Welcome to H2G2 Quizbowl!1

Here you will find (hopefully, provided this page stays active) an ongoing quiz about a variety of diverse subjects. The system is very simple: one Researcher posts to the active thread a question of a serious nature, with a simple, non-cryptic answer. This could be something like 'What is the capital of the Czech Republic?' or Which composer wrote the Moonlight Sonata?' The first Researcher to correctly answer the question gets to pose a new question of their own, and so the game continues.

The Rules

Disclaimer: These rules were invented by echomikeromeo and are thus subject to her discretion. If anyone has an issue with the rules, please contact her to have it resolved.

Any proper game must have rules, and these are them. They're not too difficult to follow, but they must be followed in order to create the right atmosphere.

  1. The questions proposed in the quizbowl must be of a simple, non-cryptic nature, unlike the quizzes that take place on H2IQ. See above for some examples.
  2. The Researcher who correctly answers a question must provide a question of their own. If for some reason they do not provide a question, they should say so, and the last Researcher to provide a question must provide another one.
  3. Interestingly, though perhaps most importantly, no cheating! It is not within the rules of H2G2 Quizbowl to Google the answer to a question or even to look it up in the Edited Guide2. H2G2 Quizbowl is not a scavenger hunt, and the best way to prove your knowledge is to show that you know things without the aid of outside sources.

That's all the rules that there are at present, but any suggestions and recommendations are very much welcome. If there is anything about the game or its system that you would like to discuss, please leave a message on echomikeromeo's Personal Space.

Get quizzing!

1For lack of a better name. Suggestions for something more original are greatly appreciated.2As much as this Researcher encourages the use of that resource.

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