Advertisements; Free IPod's?

3 Conversations

Constant exposure to flashing advertisements proclaiming that if you play the game, answer the question, or fill out the survey, you will win a free product must leave you wondering; do these really work?
Do you really get a free iPod when you click on that advertisement?

The answer is that yes, you do have a chance of getting a free product. Many sites, such as,,, and offer free products. Most of these sites are created by Gratis Network, which actually does give away thousands of free products. But the catch to it? According to Popular Science Magazine, "you have to sign up for one of several marketing offers on the site". Some of these offers include applying for a credit card or joining a CD club, and most of the offers do not cost anything up front, but you have to cancel before the trial period is up. Many of these sites also require that you have to get a certain number of other people to also sign up for the offer.

Gratis Network makes it's money off of these people that you get to sign up for their offer. Often, for expensive items, many more people are needed than you have in your family or circle of friends. In that case, there are a few things you can do. If you have a blog, you can post requests for people to sign up for your offer. Another thing you can do is go to a "conga line". Conga lines are sites where strangers help each other out. (To find a conga line, google "conga line")

Please heed the following warnings:
If you choose to try for a free product, when signing up for the offers, make sure you create a new email account, as the account you use to sign up with will get spammed constantly. ( offers a free email service, which is the best way to make a new account, as it is fast, and doesn't cost anything.) Also, remember to cancel the email account after you receive your free product.

NEVER give out personal information to these sites, as identity theft is common.

If any site asks for any information concerning your bank account, DO NOT give it out.

Use COMMON SENSE and CAUTION. Often these sites are fake sites, designed by hackers.

This article DOES NOT IN ANY WAY promote trying to get free* products from these sites; instead, this article is geared towards providing factual information.

*Participation Required

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