Created | Updated Oct 20, 2010
<HEAD><U><H4><font color="red">The Common Teenybopper</font></H4></U></HEAD>
<P>Teenyboppers are normally female and aged between 9 and 12 years of age. They think they are teenagers when they obviously aren't, are obsessed with fashion labels and tend to wear very tight clothing. This will normally consist of light coloured very tight trousers which often have a VPL (visible panty liner), not that they care, and a sleevless crop top as they wish to show as much flesh as possible, they will often choose an item of clothing with a fashion name on it, ie <I>DKNY</I> or <I>Gucci</I>, they will often carry really girly accessories around and wear likewise jewellery. Whenever it is new they always make sure their friends notice it and demand praise for choosing something so good.</P>
<HEAD><U><H4><font color="red">Typical attitude</font></H4></U></HEAD>
<P>If you happen to walk into a shop with a group of teenyboppers present, then it is probably best to avoid them, unless you are one yourself of course and you will join them, with the exception of teenagers who are very good at making them feel uncomfortable, which is probably a good thing as the teenybopper does need to be brought down to earth.</P>
<P>If you walk past them in the street you should again avoid them, as you walk past they will probably look at you in a disgusted manner, unless you are, what they consider to be a very good looking young man, in which case they will most probably giggle. That is one thing about teenyboppers. They will always talk guys and will be into the latest boybands and disgussing which one has the most good looking member, and say which ones should leave the band. Also at the slightlest mention of the word "sex" they will go into fits of laughter, and then go off disgussing it, older teenyboppers might even say who they wish to do it with. They will also talk about which boys they fancy, and maybe who they tried to kiss the other day and maybe even which boyfriend they have and how likely it is they will dump them in the near future.</P>
<HEAD><U><H4><font color="red">What they are into</font></H4></U></HEAD>
S Club 7, Steps, Billie Piper, Atomic Kitten, Lolly, Daphne & Celeste and Scooch are just typical pop groups teenyboppers are into. they don't know real music until they become a *real* teenager. They will often sing the lyrics to the song without realising the true meaning which is often explicit, much to the amusmant of teenagers who are probably now having a laugh at them.</P>
<HEAD><U><H4><font color="red">When a teenybopper grows up....</font></H4></U></HEAD>
<P>When the teenybopper <I>finally</I> grows up they will look back and cringe, and laugh at the new generation of teenyboppers.....it's a vicious cycle......</P>