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Has it ever occured to you that we are travelling backwards in time? sure we are travelling in a direction (from the past to the future)we just assume thats forwards because its the direction we are going,but if you think about it,we are facing the oppisite way.We cannot see the future,(the direction we are travelling)only the past(the direction we have come from).Therefore we are not travelling in the direction we are facing but in fact the oppisite direction or backwards.You may argue that we do not see the future or the past only the present.To answer this i will point out that when you look at the stars you do not see them as they are now, but as they were in the past,maybe a hundred or even thousands of years ago.This is because of the time it takes for the light to travel to reach your eyes.It works the same up close, it takes time for the light from your computer screen to reach your eyes,only a very short time,but none the less everything you see (or experience any other way) is in the past.In brief any event must occur before it is seen,and so we must be looking towards the past and travelling towards the future,thats backwards.8-)

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