Kolsva; Sweden

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In (roughly) the middle of Sweden lies the town of Kolsva, a small community located a few miles South-West of the sea Mälarens most Western point. It's really not much, it has one Tailor shop, a Post Office, one local pizza joint, two!!! gas stations and one Grocery Shop.
If you one day while travelling find yourself stranded in Kolsva, you can be certain of but one thing: You must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Well, if you do get stranded there you can find a Hotel not far from the river Hedströmmen which runs through the small town. Kolsva has 3000-5000 citizens, some of whom work at the local factories. Kolsva is an old industial town and still live on as one (It probably always will).

Amazing Fact: A camera part manufacured in Kolsva can be found on the moon!!! The story of the camera part is this: One of the local factories manufactured a detail on one of the cameras Neal Armstrong and his lads brought to moon with them. Unfortunately this camera was accidentaly forgotten as the Astronauts left the moon and so Kolsvas greatness lives on up there. (This is a true story)

Best way to spend your vacation in Kolsva: DON'T

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