Alexander Sokurov, director of documentaries and feature films

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Alexander Sokurov


Alexander Nikolayevich Sokurov was born in 1951 in Irkutsk, Russia. The son of a professional soldier, he grew up in Poland and Turkmenistan. Whilst studying history at the Gorky University he worked as an assistant director at a local TV channel and learnt how to work with a video camera. He then studied direction at the film school in Moscow, VGIK.


His graduate film in 1978 was The Lonely Voice of Man. The Soviet authorities did not allow him to screen this, or any of his subsequent, films. He was more or less banned from working. Andrey Tarkovsky, who was in exile, created a fund which enabled Sokurov to continue working. Not until 1986 were his films permitted to be screened.

Documentaries and feature films

He has made almost thirty documentaries and thirteen features, for which he has received numerous awards at film festivals around the world. One of his latest feature films Moloch received the award for best Screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festivaland. Taurus, received the prize for best movie at the 8th Author's Cinema Festival in Beograd. Taurus was also screened during the Stockholm International Film Festival 2001. Both Moloch and Taurus are part of Sokurovs upcoming tetralogy on men of power in the twentieth century.


Video is far too important a medium to be left solely to amateurs. If we disregard difficult and incomprehensible art videos, video has in the past mostly been associated with home movies. Sokurov began working with video professionally whilst waiting for financing for his next feature and his own interest was awakened. He has succeeded in changing the way we see video and has given it his own cinematic characteristics. He creates films that you remember, for good or bad. His unique way of dealing with morality and alienation, drawing on inspiration from 19th century literature, music and art, leaves few unmoved.

"The island of Sokurov"

For more facts about Alexander Sokurov see his new website (may 2001). Here´s a link to the english version of "The island of Sokurov". Here you can find the “Messenger” section e.g., where information on new activities by the Sokurov group will be published. For the complete filmography please go here.

Alexander Sokurovs latest Films

  • Moloch - one of the feature films in the tetralogy on men of power in the twentieth century (1999)
  • Dolce [Doc] (1999)
  • Taurus - one of the feature films in the tetralogy on men of power in the twentieth century (2000)
  • Elegy of a Voyage [Doc] (2001)
  • Russian Ark (2002)

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