Thomasville, Georgia, USA Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

Thomasville, Georgia, USA

2 Conversations

A small town located in southwestern Georgia, in the American South, Thomasville is a quaint town that has several claims to fame, or perhaps claims to obscurity, depending on your point of view.

First, it is the home to a fill-in host of the ever-popular television show Entertainment Tonight1, namely Julie Moran.

Secondly, they have a big oak tree located downtown, which the residents have creatively named 'The Big Oak'.

As if this wasn't enough, they have not one, but two waffle house restaurants located at the intersection of highways 319 and 19, across the street from one another.

The favourite quote of the townsfolk, said so often it could be, perhaps, the unofficial town motto, is 'No, this isn't where they make the furniture2, but have you seen our Big Oak tree?'.

1An American television programme which focuses on all the glamourous news from Hollywood.2Thomasville is also a major national brand of furniture.

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