A Conversation for Bar Bacchus

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 881

Researcher 168814

Towering over your head...

And my thoughts gone smiley - sadface

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 882

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Shall we have a Search Party to Find your Thoughts!??

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 883

Researcher 168814

smiley - erm I can´t think of a reason ....

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 884

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - tongueout

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 885

Researcher 168814

*E comes in through a mind the gap... Bridging the gaps of thought between the last few postings*

Hallo, everybody, all things nice and chirruppy? I hope there is a smiley - coffee or smiley - tea made for me to enjoy! I will gladly share it, and hope that the iritation, caused by the thoughtlessness of me and my self can be terminated indeffinetly by this posting.

smiley - cheers

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 886

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 887

Researcher 168814

Yes, D, you wish?

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 888

Uncle Heavy [sic]

asinine. sickly sweet. vomit worthy.

imagine by lennon, in a word. smiley - tongueout

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 889

Researcher 168814

ah, that´s what you mean.

::starts huming imagine::

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 890

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

!!!!! smiley - yikes IMAGINE IS NOT ASISINE!!!

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 891

Researcher 168814

*sees D going over to the assassins guild to become a member smiley - tongueout*

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 892

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes it is

.celophan flowers of yellow and green...

Post 893

Researcher 168814

And D will go "smiley - yikes NO IT`S NOT"

smiley - tongueout

Semi new; hi all

Post 894

Dien mutters darkly about nothing in particular

Does anyone here still play with Legos?
::sits down with a plop, pulls off back-pack, rummages through. Passes up towel, bowl of noodles, jar with a Babelfish, double-ended toothbrush, and working model of The Presto-Matic Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Drink Mixer 2000 and finally pulls out Lego model of the Bistromath.::

Here it is. Took me three months.

Semi new; hi all

Post 895

Researcher 168814

smiley - bigeyes

OHHH, that´s cool!

I am going to get the Millenium Falcom for my birthday!!! I will be playing with it during all my holidays! *E believing everyone will think he´s twenty years younger then he says smiley - tongueout*

Semi new; hi all

Post 896

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

YAY!!! Hi Dien, darling!!! smiley - hug Glad you came here to play with legos with us!!! We'll be your new friends!!! smiley - winkeye

Ummmm.... I don't own any legos of my own. My brother has them all. Shame, really... smiley - sadface I own a yellow lego on my userpage, though!!! TWO in fact!!! SO THERE!!!! smiley - tongueout

If they make a Dragonfly or BEATLES lego kit, I might think about buying it, but until then... narrr....

"IMAGINE" is NOT SILLY!!! It's beautiful, and simple, but the message is powerful-- imagine a world where people aren't caught up in all the things that make us different-- imagine us being able to live life peacefully. Perhaps, my dear son Uncle Heavy(I like how silly that sounds, son-Uncle!!!! smiley - tongueout), you mistake simple elloquence for silliness...!?? smiley - winkeye

Semi new; hi all

Post 897

Uncle Heavy [sic]

imagine is asinine. its because its cynical and not innocent. its probably not worth arguing about.

i always wanted the boba fett lego

Semi new; hi all

Post 898

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Cynical!?? How can you actually believe that is what Lennon's intent was!???

Semi new; hi all

Post 899

Dien mutters darkly about nothing in particular

Uh-oh. Must take intercessory action 'twixt UH and the Muse we adore. Duck, everybody.

Drums beat ominously, a stiff and howling wind picks up, a growing sense of a great Doom falls upon the company, and then...silence. And into the silence came... a voice.

"By the power invested in me as Muse of the Gestalt, I hereby pronounce this conversation to be MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. It is not merely a group of Muses and like-mindeds sitting and playing with Legos, it is not merely a Bar, it is more, it is by virtue of the Gestalt--
"A BEATLES HAVEN. It is SACRED GROUND. None may disturb the sanctity by speaking ill of Beatles, Beatles songs, or songs written by Beatles. Those who do shall be destroyed by righteous wrath and flung Legos. Thus I have spoken."

A sigh like the breath of a mighty wind passing over them, the people depart knowing a great weight has been lifted from the land...

I've got a Fafsospabod, and I'm not afraid to use it!

Semi new; hi all

Post 900

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Dear son Uncle Heavy, this being sacred BEATLE ground, and you being of an opinion uniquely unlike mine, I'd like to continue our discussion elsewhere. Have you any suggestions!??

::plays with her legos::

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