A Conversation for Bar Bacchus


Post 1

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

oooooooo you have lego!!!!!!! smiley - wow i dont suppose you have weebles too??? i miss my weebles smiley - blue *drowns her sorrows in a nice warm baileys* smiley - drunk



Post 2

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Dearheart, I am afraid I don't know what weebles are.... but perhaps you can make a model of one out of LEGOS, and we can go look for some... sound ok!?? smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

yes but ... 'weebles wobble but they dont fall down' thats the theme tune smiley - laugh ...weebles are round counter balanced toy people see smiley - smiley i had em when i was ickle in the mid 70's, i had the playground too you know smiley - sheep (ok.. its unrelated but i love this pic hehe)

oh well alas my search goes on... but first another baileys hic.. hehe



Post 4

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh.... I guess you can't make weebles from LEGOS... smiley - tongueoutsmiley - silly

I know what you are talking about now... smiley - hug

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