A Conversation for Bar Bacchus

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 301

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

So there actually *is* a Gilbert O'Sullivan then? Phew! I thought I might have dreamed him up myself and was talking even more nonsense than I usually do!

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 302

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Heee heee!!!

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 303

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

I've been away again - up to Leicester for a wedding.

It was a hoot! The tables at the reception were all named after cartoon characters (You could be a Simpson, a Muppet, a Scooby Doo or anything like that), and the wedding cake was upside down!

And I mean *literally* upside down.

Great stuff.

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 304

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

That's terribly cool!!! smiley - biggrin

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 305

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

It certainly was. The Groom had a cartoon version of himself drawn on the back of his shirt. We only saw it at the evening party when he'd taken the waistcoat off.

The whole thing was underlined by humour, and we all had a good laugh throughout the day.

I felt particularly honoured, having been asked to be part of a small ensemble providing music for the service. I was beginning to run out of different ways of fielding the compliments afterwards without sounding either boring or stand-offish. It was nice to be so appreciated!

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 306

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - biggrin How very very awesome!! smiley - smiley

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 307

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Yeah - the only downer was that it clashed with the London Meet, so I couldn't go to that!

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 308

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ah... well, next time!!! I couldn't go to it either, cause I have school!!!!

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 309

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Definitely (she hopes). The London Meet always, always, always seems to clash with something else!

On a completely different subject (just out of interest), what's the weather doing where you are?

Oh, she's so British, isn't she? Asking about the weather. Typical...

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 310

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Sunny and clear skies here, my dearest!!! smiley - hug

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 311

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Same here (at the moment) but it's the old British 'Sunshine and Showers' routine, so you never know what it's going to be doing next.

Still, I have a lovely view from my desk of the Cupola of Cardiff University Main Building - with it's lovely dragon weather vane surrounded by blue skies and just a hint of cloud in the far background. Better still, there's some trees in the front which have been turned a lovely green by the sun shining through the leaves.

Poetic, what?

Well, more poetic than Tourist Board financial forecasts, anyway...

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 312

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOooo... that was quite poetic!!! I see all branches and leaves from my window, but I like it. I often see little birdies, too!!! smiley - biggrin Sometimes a squirrel comes around. I don't mind.

Sunny and clear skies again.

Tourist Board Financial Forecasts!?? Ewww... smiley - sadface

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 313

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Never mind - I've got two holiday-like thingies to enjoy over the coming months.

We're off to London in September to visit the Elizabeth I exhibition in Greenwich - which is a posh organised tour version with a private viewing of the exhibition and a lecture by the Curator, Dr. David Starkey. Lots of fab things to see, lots of fabulous things to do.

Then we're off to Salzburg for Christmas - our first ever 'Christmas' trip away. No messing about with turkeys or making puddings this year. Mum doesn't have to get up at 5.00 in the morning to make sure the oven's switched itself on - and I don't have to wash the Christmas Dinner dishes!

Can't wait!

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 314

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

C-mases away are the only way to have them!!!

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 315

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Mind you, I *will* miss the Christmas Pudding and Brandy Sauce. smiley - sigh

Never mind. Snowy Austria and a trundle around the Christmas Markets on Christmas Eve is bound to make up for it!

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 316

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yeah!??? Herrmmm.... traditions, eh!??

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 317

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

It'd be nice not to have to answer the door to a couple of scruffily dressed teenage boys mumbling the following:

"We wish you a merry Christmas
We Wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year."

And then expecting financial reward so they can fund their planned cider binge. (I have left out smiley - musicalnotes because you can't call what they're doing 'singing').smiley - grr

Actually, we don't normally bother opening the door - and I imagine no one else bothers either. But it's a real pain going out into the hall when the doorbell rings to hear that and know that you've had a wasted journey from your nice warm armchair.

Proper Carol Singers, on the other hand, who are doing it for charity, would get a donation. Unfortunately, we never see any of those. This is a real shame, because - if they *do* sing 'We Wish you a Merry Christmas', they sing it all.

Bring back the Town Waits, I say. Not only did they have musical instruments to accompany them, they knew the songs all the way through.

smiley - dog

Blimey - it's only August and I'm blathering about Christmas. Never mind. I'm only following Harrods' lead. They opened their Christmas shop ages ago...

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 318

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Harrods!!!! Oh boy!!! smiley - tongueout

My mom likes to volunteer me for little things with her piano students and related peoples. smiley - steam And yet at the same time she is mad at me for having my room in a bit of a mess.

So on the one hand, I'm being too lazy, and on the other hand, she wants to volunteer me to do more and more things that I don't want to do. I want to take care of school, muddle through work, maintain my friendships, and that's enough right now!!!


Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 319

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

As I live at home (with property prices as they are, I'll probably still be living at home when I'm forty at this rate) and have to store the contents of a small flat in my room, I can so completely relate to that - though I get fed up with it myself from time to time and have a bit of a blitz.

That's another reason why I'm glad I'm going away for Christmas this year. As the trip itself is my present, I'm not going to have to try to find somewhere in my room to put it!

Mind you, given that we plan to redecorate and basically redesign the whole room next year, the next one's going to be a blitz to end all blitzes. It'll be worth it though if I get to design a room of my own. That'll be fun. I think we'll need a skip, though.

smiley - dog

Back again after a week of Gilbert and Sullivan...

Post 320

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOO.. design a room of your own!!! Sounds GREAT!!! smiley - biggrin

Yes. Living at home. It has its pros and cons. You don't get to get away with living like a slob, but with Mommy doing your laundry, it kinda happens that way... smiley - erm

smiley - hug

A skip!??

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