Columbus, Indiana - Food- Landmarks - Citizens

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The eateries of Columbus, Indiana (USA) cannot be described without first explaining that, due to the influx of national and international chains, over fifty percent of all local (or "mom & pop") restaraunts in the United States have closed over the last fifteen or so years. Columbus is no exception. For example, many locals who remember the seafood restaraunt Gropps (across the bridge from Burger King) miss its presence with no shortage of emotion. Small cities worldwide are being overgrown with the weeds of Americana. An attempt at local culture unique to Columbus, however, has prolonged the demise of a number of local food places, mentioned here.

Smith's Row

This is the one upscale restaraunt that has stood the test of time in Columbus. Formerly a blacksmith's shop, citizens of Columbus choose between Smith's Row or "that new place downtown" whenever they wish to dine in an environment where chef's are ranked with stars.

The Hanger Cafe

Also quite upscale, this restaraunt in Columbus's small airport north of town serves cham chowder worthy of the east coast.

WCH Flying Cheeseburger

Located several blocks west of Columbus East High School, WCH (the owners initials) is a dirty, sketchy, and fabulous hole in the wall where food is actually wrapped in plastic and thrown to you. The food is not special or delicious anymore than a homemade BLT is delicious, but there are two important aspects that make this diner unique: 1) WCH cooks everything at home each morning so as to avoid applying for a food service license. He does not officially run a food service establishment. 2) The entire restaurant is a gambling front. The walls are covered with scores and grizzled men come it at random times to settle bets angrily with the management. WCH posts adages on posterboard around his restaurant, such as "I will WIN but I don't know WHEN," a reference to his many trips to Las Vegas and his equally many return trips empty-handed. Eating at WCH flying cheeseburger is a delight.


North of the Commons Mall, the "CB" is a beautiful, 100-year-old restaurant that highlights the more affluent era of Columbus long past. Order the tenderloin sandwich. Thursday night karaoke is host to a crowd of blue collar regulars. Note the impressive ceiling when you walk in.


The several restaraunts in Columbus that Zaharako owns (such a Olympia, next to North High School) are poorly managed, have poor service, and make very little income aside from what school students will fork over for a lunch bagel. However, his first lunchtime diner downtown, ZAHARAKO'S, which the Zaharako family started and he inherited, has a fabulous ice-creamery. The ice cream bar is the restaurant's claim to fame, and the bar itself was declined to Walt Disney during the creation of Disneyland despite many very excellent offers. The hours at Zaharako's are very poor and, excluding the incredible ice cream, the experience will be mediocre. Go to see the bar.


The self-titled Old Prophet (previously Old Philosopher), will leave pamphlets on cars and stand in public wearing signs degrading the general public and explaining his incredibly right-wing religious standing. He seems to know what he is talking about but has never successfully imparted his viewpoint to another human being. The Old Prophet has been arrested a number of times.

While traveling in Columbus, one is likely to pass a red pickup truck covered in nick-nacks and plastered with signs like "COWGIRLS HONK IF YOU LOVE COWBOYS" and "EX-WIFE'S HEAD STUFFED UP EXHAUST PIPE," driven by a very happy-seeming Lynard Skynyrd fan blasting country tunes. This is Larry. Larry works at the gas station on 25th and Central, has an amazingly advanced security system on his beaten-up red pickup truck, and can often be seen on National Road sitting in the back and singing loudly, announcing his presence to the ladies of Columbus.

If ever in Columbus you pass a padestrian who looks like an evil Jesus, this man is Jimmi Perkie. Jimmi never chose to get a driver's license and can be seen walking the streets of Columbus night and day. Nobody knows where he is going, however he is he very amiable and can be approached and will respond in a friendly manner. Every resident of Columbus has seen Jimmi and has felt some immediate concern for their own well-being. Many Columbus residents know him personally, or call him a friend, and are still considerably creeped out by him.


The Common's Mall
Milrace Park - Art to Cover up the Shanty Town
The Crump Theatre
Downtown architecture and church architecture

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