Newcomers 2h2g2

1 Conversation

Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who only recently started living. Mark Moxon, Peta and I realised that some new researchers have been missed. These have been added to this weeks, along with some newcomers who activated their pages late. The headings on these have been numbered or should I say have been lettered from 'A' though to 'J'.

The recent Newcomers are headed 1 to 19

To help vist newcomers without covering the same arear over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Thank You and Happy Posting

A) Missed or late to update their page

U147165  RickD
U147186  Preysis
U147201  MatrixBlazer
U147205  Ferrari, a Horse
U147313  the Dread Reverend
U147338  lafftur
U147383  Paladin of the Lost Hour
U147411  Scala
U147436  Gandalf
U147455  Chili

B) Missed or late to update their page

U147472  David
U147481  Brian Kotarski
U147493  webdiva
U147510  Researcher of Hick-ville
U147517  Little Leela
U147531  STI Researcher
U147532  Ceirdwyn of Lystra
U147534  Lipsbury Pinfold
U147555  Chewbacca
U147559  Lord Skyfire

C) Missed or late to update their page

U147562  WaywardOne
U147577  Sq. Arianna
U147579  brandy a fine girl
U147583  Skylab
U147587  Steve Murdoc
U147591  Researcher 147591
U147599  Fudd (Researcher 147599)
U147602  Lord Jock
U147607  Mr. Wierd
U147611  Jake

D) Missed or late to update their page

U147613  number 6
U147614  Researcher 147614
U147618  jabberwocky
U147620  Researcher 147620
U147621  Commissario
U147622  Ancker+w Researcher 147622
U147633  Ford Escort
U147634  FilMidget
U147636  oldstudent
U147637  uncle wiggley in Connecticut

E) Missed or late to update their page

U147638  Prevojc
U147640  Sanders
U147645  Ford Prefect
U147647  RubyCoffin
U147656  Sir Jesse
U147659  Researcher 147659
U147661  Researcher 147661
U147663  Saint Punting the Patron Saint of Small Dogs
U147670  Researcher 147670
U147672  Researcher 147672

F) Missed or late to update their page

U147673  Rev. Jack
U147675  Researcher 147675
U147682  Khyron Kravshera
U147690  Mdy H20s
U147693  H.B.Bue
U147695  prez
U147696  Chaz
U147698  Annie_Baby
U147713  Jipster
U147718  Gandalf

G) Missed or late to update their page

U147722  Ryan, lover and protector of little cute furry things
U147724  Bud Lite
U147725  plabit
U147732  Prof. Monkel
U147734  sex_kitten
U147743    softy
U147744  Dr Holden McGroyne
U147749  JHP
U147760  Urban Graffiti
U147766  s00z

H) Missed or late to update their page

U147775  Sandi Beaches
U147788  Amro Bank
U147792  Researcher 147792
U147802  ~:-)avi)
U147809  PrinceFrogslayer
U147813  Snakescan13
U147826  Parlabane
U147828  Irlie baird
U147830  Knightchik
U147831  kanji

I) Missed or late to update their page

U147836  Sugarkitten
U147840  Kingweasel
U147844  jak
U147851  ediug
U147860  Longdog
U147863  Molly O
U147882  Dunx
U147883  Zantic
U147884  NexusSeven (Scout)

J) Missed or late to update their page

U148208  Bob the Fish
U148270  extralarge
U148314  ThE_CliCKeR
U148370  Frankie
U148398  Researcher 148398
U148405  Goalette
U148683  koolio
U148734  masta t
U148735  Peabody
U148866  Dr. X


1) Newcomers 1 to 10

U148944  Big Bad Werewolf
U148953  judge.drekk
U148957  Don Huando
U148965  Researcher 148965
U148973  Sham69
U148984  Fuddha
U148995  R/r: 148995
U149000  Jarahal
U149006  one hoopy frood
U149018  delfilm

2) Newcomers 11 to 20

U149020  TeleSan
U149023  Researcher 149023
U149024  Lusignan
U149036  Researcher 149036
U149038  Researcher JoeShmo16
U149040  cannon fodder
U149051  cynic
U149066  Taraman
U149068  Gort
U149069  mikil

3) Newcomers 21 to 30

U149071  Researcher 149071
U149072  Wheezing_Dragon
U149076  Zag149
U149098  Uberpeon
U149099  Gan
U149101  TheDormouse
U149104  BlueGirl
U149112  Researcher 149112
U149133  TheBigGoo
U149138  koko

4) Newcomers 31 to 40

U149143  Jen
U149165  TheConundrum
U149169  Researcher 149169
U149171  Starkalien
U149175  Mr. Magius
U149184  Paddy
U149189  claybot2000
U149191  FractalBlue
U149192  Trinity's Child
U149193  jesye

5) Newcomers 41 to 50

U149196  SP
U149197  La Fajita
U149209  Researcher 149209
U149210  Duck Stapler
U149212  yossiv
U149216  Researcher 149216
U149220  Fingermouse
U149222  McLuxzenburg
U149234  Brian Damage
U149247  Wixe

6) Newcomers 51 to 60

U149249  silly putty
U149265  Normstar
U149269  Researcher 149269
U149272  Visionary149272
U149279  Jimmy
U149281  Wraith
U149286  big girl
U149292  Zochmen
U149297  Earthquake
U149301  Researcher 149301

7) Newcomers 61 to 70

U149314  Dakyth
U149318  UberPest
U149331  Lionbar VII
U149343  Magic Mushroom
U149348  ezupak
U149359  arDent
U149365  Fluff
U149372  Researcher 149372
U149375  solaris
U149386  SOFTA

8) Newcomers 71 to 80

U149389  holy_man
U149392  kaa
U149406  Plundis
U149417  Bizarre Behavior
U149419  NWgirl
U149425  HotShot
U149431  kimoe
U149433  HT
U149435  ofel
U149439  Captain Carrot

9) Newcomers 81 to 90

U149447  Hillwalker
U149453  Vince Patron saint of the Indecisive.
U149454  Researcher 149454
U149456  abarclay
U149469  CAESAR2000
U149471  Shaka
U149485  Makine
U149503  Researcher 149503
U149508  DOC
U149516  A ©

10) Newcomers 91 to 100

U149531  Beeblebrox84
U149552  Ultraman
U149556  Researcher 149556
U149561  zeus
U149563  Psycho Girl
U149569  slydog
U149570  Researcher 149570
U149576  Fredy
U149590  Duffy The Sandwich Slayer
U149596  Sergeant Bomar

11) Newcomers101 to 110

U149602  Moondancer
U149603  rocketman23
U149619  Rob
U149622  Researcher 149622
U149630  Peter Beeblebrox
U149653  Tintin
U149656  pixeltech
U149665  Researcher 149665
U149670  Gaspar

12) Newcomers 111 to 120

U149686  Trillian149686
U149688  christopher34
U149699  Lulu
U149700  Siayte
U149703  GoneCrazy
U149704  Researcher 149704
U149728  Humor Me
U149759  Researcher 149759
U149763  Researcher 149763
U149774  fluff

13) Newcomers 121 to 130

U149776  zuzu
U149781  hezher the confused
U149790  Kihlgor
U149792  xyroth
U149799  Marvin The Paranoid Android
U149806  knifee
U149812  machiavelli
U149814  lizard
U149818  bcole24242000
U149819  The Fang

14) Newcomers 131 to 140

U149824  K'Tara
U149836  luke149836
U149844  Ozymandias (King of Kings)
U149854  Brycycle
U149860  King Arthur
U149868  SATAN - Lord of the Underworld
U149871  HighAndMighty
U149873  Rockhopper
U149880  Researcher 149880
U149893  DarthMaligna42

15) Newcomers 141 to 150

U149894  Niko Prefect, and YES it is a perfectly normal name. What of it?
U149910  Researcher 149910
U149915  Researcher 149915
U149918  Researcher 149918
U149919  Researcher 149919
U149929  Researcher 149929
U149931  Little Rich
U149952  TeePee
U149960  wednesday
U149966  Sobotnik

16) Newcomers 151 to 160

U149970  Lifeform #149970
U149971  Madmo
U149976  That bloke over there in the glasses
U149980  princeofools
U149999  Gandalf
U150000  The Mattress
U150008  TakitoMouse
U150011  fuzipeg
U150015  Researcher 150015
U150036  Researcher Skippy

17) Newcomers 161 to 170

U150051  inFinity
U150054  Roberto Eco
U150056  Okobojii
U150066  xrikazen
U150069  crankygal
U150081  Researcher 150081
U150090  Eramus
U150096  xtreme2000
U150097  Spaceman Spiff
U150103  Chippengael

18) Newcomers 171 to 180

U150133  Grabagran
U150141  ZiGGY
U150152  toj8j
U150175  Copenhagen Angel
U150184  Tela
U150193  Kreggit the Prooh
U150199  Otto Sump
U150209  Rosenoern
U150222  agent1001
U150227  zubnic

19) Newcomers 181 to 188

U150235  150235 brain twitch the surly one
U150236  Jeff
U150242  Lochinvar
U150246  yellow
U150262  Doctor Wolf
U150264  popeye
U150267  Researcher 150267
U150270  Researcher 150270

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