Stealth Munchkin - A Band...

3 Conversations

Stealth Munchkin are a band from Manchester, UK , who have been together two years. They are officially 'The World's Greatest Band'1 and the fact that I'm writing about them is absolutely connected to the fact that I'm also their guitarist.


Rebecca Malings

Rebecca was the vocalist and principal lyricist of the band, and one of its two founder members. She also occasionally played rythm guitar on stage. However, she has now quit the group, for reasons unknown.

Andrew Hickey

Andrew is the charming, witty, intelligent, handsome guitarist, voted 'sexiest man on the planet' 17 years running2, guitarist, keyboardist, bass player, occasional backing vocalist, principal composer and writer of this entry3. Andrew produced their first studio album Throw The Night, will co-produce their next album with Trevor, and is also the band's manager.

Trevor DeMont

Trevor's participation in the group is limited, partly because he is also in another band, the Apostles, and partly because there's an inconvenient ocean in between Manchester and New Jersey. However he did manage to contribute one song to the firts studio album, along with drums, and some guitar and bass. He also wrote and produced the side-project September Songs

Stephen Bray

Mr Ste is the new lead vocalist - promoted to this position Genesis-stylee from his previous hitting things job.

Barry Exton

Bass player Barry was in the band for their demos CD, left, but has rejoined for the new album



Our first ever (and only mildly disastrous) gig (as a duo - Andrew and Rebecca only) in tribute to Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys. We have one track on the album - a cover version of the Beach Boys' Sail On Sailor - and Andrew sings backing vocals on a few other tracks. This CD is available from Beach Boys Britain. All proceeds go to cancer research.

A Dolls House Plus - demos 99-2000

A CD of 13 demo versions of songs that later made it to the Throw The Night album, as recorded on Andrew's battered 4-track by an early line-up of the group, featuring bass player Barry Exton on some cuts. This CD is available from the band's page on musicbuilder for $5.99, and is almost worth it. All profits go to Andrew's pocket.


A compilation CD put together by Andrew of original music inspired by the Beach Boys. Available for $10 from musicbuilder. All profits go to cancer research. Features the same version of Stealth Munchkin's Independence Day as the demo CD.


The band's first 'real' release - an 11-track CD, mostly studio remakes of the demo material.Available from the band's website. Some tracks are available to download from

September Songs

This is mostly a DeMont project, featuring Andrew, Rebecca and Ste. Tracks are available from ampcast.

Upcoming Gigs

Psych0tic Munchkin Tour

A tour planned for July, with Uncle Mabel and the Psych0tic Reacti0n.Contact Andrew Hickey for details.

1It says so on our wepbage - it must be true...2By Andrew Hickey3So why am I writing in third person? Good question...

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