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Today's best Friend for a lot of people, television was seen for the first time in 1924.
John Logie Baird is the first to transmit the picture of an animated shadow.
Then in 1925, he develops the first cathode ray tube.

During the same year, Vladimir Zworykin get the first patent for the colour TV even if the colour systems will only be developped 25 years later.

After this year, the television will never stop to evolve.

In 1930, the first advertisement is emit, first of a long series.

In 1950, one starts to alert the public concerning the perverse effects (on the children) of violence on television.

1990's are years of television.
TV is everywhere. You can count at less two TV for one house.
American people use a lot the television. This way of communication is responsible (mainly in the USA) for a loss of neurons, and an gain of weight (see: obesity)

Today, we can see a lot of funny stuff on TV in the USA :
    - Talk Shows

    - Sitcoms

    - Wars

    - Video clips

    - Nudity

    - Violence

    - Nudity And violence

    - Nudity and violence during a talk show

    - And in rare case Movies or cartoons.

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