Kiera Knightly

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1) "Squalid looking thing, a bit unsightly". Cockney slang.

2) Keira Knightley is the Sexiest Movie Star Ever*, as voted by readers of Movie "Bible" "Empire" magazine**, who awarded the remarkable boast in 2004.
The title is expected to have severe implications in the roles supporting actresses throughout Hollywood, which is obsessed with sex and glamour.

The move is also to have implications for male actors. Orlando Bloom was the highest voted male, in a decision cursed by fans of George Clooney who argue: "If only George’s time had come when HE was in his twenties, it'd be a different story now". Also benefiting is that snotty studious little girl in the back of the classroom who everyone hates, strutting her stuff because everyone else was hoping Mos Def would pip it and dismissed Orlando Bloom as a prettyboy.

Discourse is already underway regarding whether Kiera Knightly has passed her peak of sexiness (perhaps hidden in a pubescent pose for a beau) or whether we have new and exciting levels of sexiness to look forward at some speculative point in the future.

In any case, it's now merely a matter of time before the age old question of "At what age is a woman at her sexiest" is finally answered.

3) Kiera Knightly is also mistakenly considered by many to be a leading British Soft-core Porn actress, on account of the suggestive titles of her CV. Films like "The Jacket" (2005),"Pure" (2002), "Thunderpants" (2002),"Bend It Like Beckham" (2002), "The Hole" (2001), "Princess of Thieves" (2001), "Deflation" (2001), "Oliver Twist" (1999), "Treasure Seekers" (1996), "Innocent Lies" (1995)and "A Village Affair" (1994) all fuel the misconception that She is praised for her misconception.

*Empire now stuck with one fewer feathers in its bow, ponders what to do next year, with one competition foolishly discarded amidst a sea of tabloid filth.

**Non Empire Readers have been reported distraught that they didn't know about this monumentous decision.

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