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This I write because of my own dissatisfaction over the fact that on the internet, everybody want to remain more or less anonymous. At a most people tell where they come from, and once in a while even their name. To gather actual information of peoples lives is more or less impossible. To do this one has to chat for hours, and still not be to certain to the credibility of the ones you speak with, ("I enjoy partying, and I am tall, blond, and has been offered several jobs as a model..."). Why has this phenomenon occured; does the ability to remain anonymous while conversating appeal to people? Is this a positive trend, or should people be more open about their private life, personally I would prefer the last. To lead an interesting conversation, a giving conversation, with people I feel that I need to know the ones I speak with better. I guess the core of my entry here is the question of what people that use the Guide really are like. What is their main interests, are they content with their lives, and do they really enjoy a cup of espresso or not? Anyway feel free to give _your_ contribution to this topic, I certainly will...

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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