Manchester City Football Club

6 Conversations

Firstly your going to have to hang on in there because I'm English with only a basic grasp of technology. For example setting the video is a three hour technical exam as far as I'm concerned and then I'm sure it has a sense of humour entirely of it's own, purposefully videoing no matter what day it is an episode of something involving either Vanessa or Anthea Turner.

I thought that any book worth it's salt, suddenly wondered why anything would want to be worth salt, should have a reference to the glory of Manchester City Football club. By far the worlds most entertaining and chaotic excuse for a football club where never a dull minute is passed. Ranging from the awful to the great.

Glory days are far and few between and the whole club I believe can be summed up by the fact that when I searched the guide to see if there was any reference to them one of the alternative topics it suggested was "House Plants". It sort of covers City from top to bottom.

In essence they are a football club, they play at Maine road, wear blue and are not very good but extremely endearing.... bit like a puppy... You got to love em or you would just cry...

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