How to get drunk more quickly or slowly

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Sometimes, when you are on a party and drink alcoholic stuff, you might want to avoid getting real drunk. Or you want to get real drunk, but avoid paying through the nose for a lot of drinks.

Here are some simple hints:

To get drunk more quickly:

- Stay hungry. Don't eat anything and your stomach will give all of his attention to the incomming alcohol.
- Or, even better, eat a little bit. Then your stomach already starts working and wants more...
- Use a drinking straw. This way, you get more alcohol input through the mucous membrane of your mouth (this also works with a rubber teat).
- combine alcohol with caffeine. Caffeine activates the stomach.
- Drink some Water: Water and alcohol dont mix very well. Thus, the water distributes the alcoholic drinks you already poured down. This means more contact between alcohol and the stomach's interior surface. This means the alcohol is absorbed more quickly.
- Try wodka. You can drink it (nearly) like water and half an hour later you are dead (be warned! You are acting on your own responsibility).

To get drunk more slowly:

- Dont drink. Ok, this isn't what you wanted to know...
- Dont drink to much. Still not what you wanted to know...

- Eat a lot of fat stuff before you start drinking. Your stomach now has different things to do.

That's the whole trick. Of course, there are rumors. I don't know if they work, but you can although try this:

- Stay on one kind of drink (i.e. only beer).
- Some people can take one kind of drink better then an other one (i. e. they can drink much more whiskey then, lets say, wodka). If this is the case with you, choose only drinks you can take very well.

And to get sober again:
- Coffee is usefull (yes, this mixes up whit one of the "more-quickly"-tricks above, but I mean: coffee is usefull when you finally stopped drinking).

And one last note...
- Alcohol needs 1/2 -1 hour to be fully absorbed by the human body. Thus, if you stop drinking, the alcohol contend of your blood might still rise for an hour before it reaches it's top peak. This information can be usefull in some situations, if you are still able to read the clock.

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