Life, The Pointlessness of It

2 Conversations

Life itself is an entirely pointless chemical reaction that can cause a large amount of suffering for anyone else unfortunate enough be alive. Life itself has no potential viable purpose and is a waste of time the universe could better spend pottering about playing tiddlywinks or something. Some people may say that we were created by a god but that is total codswallop, there is no particularily good reason for life and it was just a chance mistake that shouldn't of happened. Others may say that life can be represented by the number 42, the theory divised by hyper computer Deep Thought, and they would be more correct. For 42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything. The only problem is no-one actually knows what the Question is, so Deep Thought devised Earth to work out what the Question really is. That won't work though, no-one will like what the question REALLY is.

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