a little about me

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Currently living in Minneapolis,Minnesota: city of lakes. Moved up here in June, 2004, from Maryland. Reason for the move was supposedly to be near my older daughter for her first pregnancy. In Maryland was an antiques dealer; there seem to be very few antiques in this area.. There were more antique dealers in the town of 800 I left than in this metro area of 900,000; Therefore, I am at a loss here. Interests are:antiques,art, history, archaeology. Read constantly. Electic taste in music. Actually born in the UK: Loughborough. Mother a Brit out of London; Dad an Yank in the RCAF. Haven't been back since a child. Hope to get back for a lengthy visit in the near future and clearing up things back here. Bye-the bye, got my UK/EU papers two yeaars ago. Oh. Special interest: fakes in art and antiques; collect material relating to such. That's it for now.

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