Wizard Club

3 Conversations

A wizard

What is Wizard Club?

Wizard Club is a society whose main purpose is

to gather information for the Wizard Encyclopædia.

What is the Wizard Encyclopædia?

The Wizard Encyclopædia is a reference guide on

all things magic. It also tries to explain the Muggle

world in a simple and straightforward way, making

it easier for wizards and witches to understand.

Who can apply for membership of Wizard Club?

All wizards and witches over the age of 11 are

eligible for membership of Wizard Club.

What are the obligations of membership?

The first rule of Wizard Club is: You do not talk to

Muggles about Wizard Club. There are not many

other rules. Members are entitled to use the initials

WC after their names, however, they are not encouraged

to do so, as it may attract the attention of snoopy

Muggles, which is contrary to the first rule.

How does one apply for membership?

Applications are handled by Dr. Frankenstein,

Admissions Officer of Wizard Club.

Mild-mannered and peaceloving, he has been

subjected to very unfair treatment by Muggle

history. As every wizard knows; the monster incident

he was involved in was caused by none other than

Lord Voldemort in one of his earlier incarnations.

Frankenstein was under a very powerful spell cast

by You-know-who and thus not culpable at all.


Send your application,

C/O Dr. Frank.

Preferably by owl,

or by entering a new conversation here,

clearly stating your intentions and aspirations.

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