RS Fords

1 Conversation

I noticed there was no reference for RS Fords in the guide as yet, and so thought I might as well add one myself :)

I'll be the first to admit that I have never even driven a RS Ford, so if you've ever owned/driven one, I welcome your input.

First of all, I think RS stands for "Racing Sports". RS Fords can be identified by having a RS badge - usually on the boot or front grill.

The majority of RS Fords were Escorts - the Mk 1 RS-1600 & RS-2000, the Mk II RS-1800 & RS-2000 amongst others - but also includes the CRAZY RS-200 (380 bhp out of a 1.8 litre engine!).

All RS Fords were somewhat more powerful then your average car, with most of them being turbocharged from the 80's onwards.

I don't think Ford still produce RS badged cars - at least they don't here in Australia.

For more information on RS Fords, go to

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