The Fine Art of Shooting Rubber Bands

2 Conversations

The Fine Art of Shooting Rubber Bands

Back in 1978, I was shown the secret to shooting rubber bands by a QC engineer. He claimed to have learned it from some engineers at Boeing Aircraft, who
had done an extensive study and experiments on the practice. And it works, I can shoot a band 15 to 20 feet with accuracy and up to 40 feet overall.

New or slightly used natural rubber bands are best. Any band that has been exposed to excessive heat or sunlight is likely to break. If the band has been in a
stretched position for a long period of time, it may break or loose some of it?s elasticity. The size of the rubber band also needs some consideration, too small
of a diameter, and you can?t get any power out of it. If the diameter is too large, it will not be possible to "cock" it correctly. Most people think thicker or wider
is better, not so, a rubber band that?s too width will be too difficult to pull back and not very aerodynamic.

I prefer a size 16, natural rubber band for accuracy or up to a size 32 for distance. The all time best ones were the green rubber ones used to wrap the
newspaper before they started placing the newspaper in plastic bags. There you had both in one band.

Not having a digital camera or a talent for art, I?ll try to describe this the best I can.

1. Form a triangle with a rubber band between your thumb, index and ring finger of your right hand.
2. Now with a finger from you left hand, stretch down on the bottom cord and bring the band out and up to the cord between your index finger and thumb. If
you did this correctly, the bottom and outer cord are tight, and the cord between your thumb and index finger is loose(r).
3. This is the most important step. Using the index finger of your left hand, and placing it from the bottom and between your right palm and the rubber band,
place the tip of your left index at the point where the band meets your right ring finger.
4. Push ahead with your left hand at the same time pulling back with the band on your right thumb.
5. Aim.
6. Let the rubber band slip off your right thumb.

With a little practice, you?ll be the terror of the office. Incoming. A word of caution, as Mom would say, "CAREFULL YOU?LL TAKE AN EYE OUT".

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