Worcester Sauce

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Worcester Sauce, (or War-sest-uhshuh-shire Sauce as it is known in many places
across the globe) has an interesting history.

The recipe was brought back from India by a colonial general who gave it to two
local chemists with an order for a large batch to me made up.

A few weeks later he returned to pick up the sauce, only to proclaim when tasting it
that it tasted filthy and was nothing like how it should be, and left in disgust.

Nothing more was thought of this until the chemists discovered it again at the back of their
stores a few months later, when they decided to give it just one more try before
tipping it down the drain. To their huge surprise, the foul tasting anchovy broth,
after being left to ferment, had matured into an interestingly spicy condiment.

And thanks to this chance re-tasting, Worcester's name has spread, to be
mispronounced by many a foreigner, to every corner of this spherical world.

(Oh yes, and to the best of my knowledge it does not have any mystical properties
when accidentally used instead of embalming fluid.)

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