Holy Grail -- Dan Brown is wrong

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Elsewhere (A79940 Jesus Christus and the Holy Grail), it's suggested that the Holy Grail was the blood line of Jesu ben Iosef and Mary of Magdala, the same theory as in the Da Vinci Code. This is incorrect.
Also incorrect is the theory, advanced by Rt Rev Lionel Fanthorpe that the Grail was an ancient Egyptian occult medical text.
This researcher will now reveal the truth:
"Grail" is a contraction of Gray Ale, the beverage brewed by the monks of Lindisfarne, which was an ancestor of Newcastle Brown. Grail may also be spelled "grael", which is an anagram for "lager".
Imagine the Knights Templar sweating through the Holy Land in their heavy armour. The local arabs were of the opinion that alcohol was forbidden by Islam, although "alcohol" is an Arabic word. Even if the knights were to find a pub, the locals would not serve Crusaders, so they would have to set to the task of looting, even hotter and sweatier than fighting. So the knights were searching for bheer!

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