Cats:Our True Lords and Masters

1 Conversation

It is a widely held belief by people claiming to be 'in the know' that the lizards at the centre of the earth are our real masters, manipulating world events and governments from their secret underground castle. These people are idiots. The lizards are in fact nothing more than simple, unsuspecting puppets, blindly serving the true rulers of the planet-the cats!

This goes a long way to explain the easy sense of command that our feline masters posses, and why we seem willing to do anything to please them. Cats do whatever they please, and demand our full love and attention. If they do not feel they are recieving this then they go off and find someone else to pamper them. They insist upon having the finest food, have dominion over all other creatures, from the mice in the fields to the birds in the sky. And have you ever observed the proud majesty of the lion, or the calm contempt of the tiger.

So I say to all you out their who believe that the world is ruled by idiot governments or manipulative lizards, respect the little house cat, for they are watching, and they are not amused by what they see.

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