What becomes of Green
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The green bus takes off from the curb and turn the grass-covered hood towards the leave green sky. The green Goddess lifts her sea green eyes towards the bus and in a green gesture forces the sky split with a ray of green.
The bus falls.
For a short, terrifying and quite green moment everybody are green in his or her faces from fear. Then the bus lands gently in an unripe green field of corn.
The Goddess demands that the green scoundrel steps out of the bus. He comes, attired in a fir green robe. Greenly meets her gaze. Is green.
In a nauseating green flash, everything disappears. The bus with its grass hood, the green Goddess, the unripe green field of corn and even the green scoundrel.
Finally even green it self vanishes, and everything turns black.
You try to make something green of it...