Newcomers 2h2g2 starting 7th August 2000

1 Conversation

Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who really started living from the week Starting
7th August 2000.
Do be friendly and say Hi to Newcomers, the list is here for you to use.

1021 new pages of newcommers of which 163 have activated their page over the last week.

To help vist newcomers without covering the same area over and over - You will notice the list has been divided into headings of 10 newbies per heading. To choose the newcomers you wish to visit, please log into to forum bellow to see which headings are free. Place you choice of heading into the forum so others can see it has been allocated.

Thank You and Happy Posting

1) Newcomers 1 to 10

U147909  CrAzYoNe42
U147912  Jacksrevenge
U147917  Researcher 147917
U147922  Ariadne
U147926  Alex
U147927  241D7(hexidecimal)

rU147935  Erzengel Drakkar
U147938  Noodles
U147940  Milky

2) Newcomers 11 to 20

U147947  Mr. Blu
U147954  cafi jo
U147971  Lady Alijan
U147972  St.Jeff
U147980  Zero
U147982  bpgisme
U147989  VALIS420 ( Anybody know anything about phylogenic (genetic) memory?)
U147992  Eric (not THE Eric) Haffaby
U147996  Lieutenant Mardis-Gras Faffle Hinges III
U147997  the magical mystical sarah

3) Newcomers 21 to 30

U148006  Tricia McM
U148012  Dmb9d9
U148029  Xmun
U148030  Dan
U148038  Just Another Researcher
U148049  turtle
U148056  Zentar
U148057  Specialk
U148058  Maddestman
U148061  Juggles

4) Newcomers 31 to 40

U148062  Kostas
U148067  ZenMastaC
U148069  Red-shirted Extra
U148072  Doubledad
U148074  Mandi Macadaemia
U148087  Guardian_007
U148091  threesecondmemory
U148108  Researcher 148108
U148110  sophie
U148115  Lord Byancbaldich

5) Newcomers 41 to 50

U148118  Researcher 148118
U148120  Egon
U148124  niai
U148132  Kivas Fajo
U148135  LadyShinigami
U148146  Space-Moose
U148157  smkmb
U148160  Researcher 148160
U148165  Josiepie
U148176  The Scot

6) Newcomers 51 to 60

U148180  brickwall
U148183  gurp cola
U148187  paradigmofvirtue
U148190  Cones4Y00
U148193  Researcher 148193
U148200  Lucid Insanity
U148204  FZ
U148207  Althea
U148213  Researcher 148213
U148228  NightCrawler

7) Newcomers 61 to 70

U148234  Niz
U148246  Trillian
U148255  Researcher 148255
U148265  ghofi
U148277  Researcher 148277
U148278  cable
U148284  flying sperm-whale
U148286  datagod
U148293  Sarita

8) Newcomers 71 to 80

U148303  Dok Fenderson
U148305  ab3
U148313  Zoot the I, (counterpart to Tundar)
U148319  Tundar
U148322  Brian Rice
U148328  Maya
U148339  Hutch
U148345  Researcher 148345
U148347  mothlamp
U148348  Hugnin

9) Newcomers 81 to 90

U148350  Latch Deadbolt
U148353  Phil
U148371  Pookie
U148373  Danny
U148378  Researcher 148378
U148381  Nik. S.
U148388  EEBaum
U148389  Uli
U148402  Researcher 148402
U148408  wildlifeart

10) Newcomers 91 to 100

U148410  Researcher 148410
U148414  CyberWhiz
U148415  TimeFink
U148424  Researcher 148424
U148432  raddie
U148433  infotrope
U148436  stormbringer
U148440  khowaga
U148445  Loki
U148475  Paintball_DD

11) Newcomers101 to 110

U148484  Sue (Anything but Researcher 148484 please)
U148500  Cenchrea
U148509  Binro the Heretic
U148517  Researcher 148517
U148519  Jay
U148520  Researcher 148520
U148547  RedWills(Political Prisoner)
U148552  Clopit
U148554  drop dead gorgeous babe
U148565  Researcher 148565

12) Newcomers 111 to 120

U148570  Researcher 148570
U148571  u no it
U148575  P
U148576  #6
U148580  Ben
U148585  Researcher 148585
U148598  Babysnakes
U148615  Guy In The Bushes
U148617  Kitchen Fairy
U148627  Lucifersprophet

13) Newcomers 121 to 130

U148629  Jor
U148630  Researcher 148630
U148635  tisonlyme
U148636  Meddig
U148640  Mr B
U148647  I'm not Ted
U148653  Xybyt
U148654  z42zaphod
U148658  RaNdoM
U148671  junkenstein

14) Newcomers 131 to 140

U148672  Atomicjim
U148696  Tackle me Now
U148698  Researcher 148698
U148705  Lampadas
U148722  Zaphod10
U148729  The Old Toenail
U148733  Commtalonn
U148734  Bobo the one-armed clown
U148743  Demosthenes
U148753  berolynor

15) Newcomers 141 to 150

U148759  Griff
U148773  Researcher 148773
U148781  Om
U148782  Oragami
U148785  Dude In Motion
U148789  woodstock
U148807  Lennie
U148809  YeledPeleg
U148811  Lalena
U148815  dirk gently

16) Newcomers 151 to 163

U148821  Goofy
U148825  Evil_Iggy
U148836  fnu
U148842  mottex
U148843  ZZ9 Explorer
U148848  The Great Og
U148876  Darky
U148885  Güthwinë
U148890  Manwe42
U148899  Merlin
U148925  demonise
U148930  Dmitri

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