Coping with men (2)

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2) Do not expect the majority of them to treat you as an equal. However much you
a) out-qualify them
b) run rings around them at work and
c) know about the Arsenal back four (solid but saving up for their collectve zimmer frame)
there will always come a point where they turn round and say 'sorry, we're talking bloke stuff again, (aren't we darling - if its an other half) this is probably right over your head'. Usually when talking about cars.

There are again three solutions to this -
a) smile, simper and say 'yes snuggles, I'll just go and re-apply my lipstick so I look stunning enough to hang onto your arm'
b) turn to the nearest woman and start bitching about men very loudly (and other women's clothes, obviously, as this is obligatory) or
c) down your pint, say 'I've always fancied a TVR actually, fantastic acceleration, beautiful bodywork and all named after a bloke called Trevor.....' before launching into a conversation about that last male bastion, football.

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