Friedrich Nietzsche - Philosopher

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On October the fifteenth, 1844, Friedrich Nietzche was born in Rocken - Prussia. Through the course of his like, Friedrich would be known as a radical philosopher, not questioning the existance of man but mans need to think on these questions in the first place.

His Father, Ludwig, died when Friedrich was only five years old <FOOTNOTE>Ludwig was aged thirty six, and most have pointed to a severe fall a year early as being the cause of the injury</FOOTNOTE>. For much of his life, Friedrich lived with his mother along with his two aunts, and his sister - Elisbeth.

His father, and both his grandfathers, had been Lutherian Pastors, and it was assumed that Friedrich would carry on this buth he instead choose to study philosophy at

During his childhood he seems to have developed an aversion to such things as piety, nationalism, bourgeois provincialism and domineering women. From 1858 he attended the academically distinguished Pforta boarding school where he began to suffer from the migraine attacks that were to be a burden to him for the rest of his life. He was also affected by having poor eyesight. Pforta had turned out many famous men in the past and was run along "Prussian" lines of discipline, piety, and hard work.

After (gladly) leaving Pforta in 1864 he studied theology and classical philology at the university of Bonn he was, however, turning away from the religious atmosphere in which he had been raised. He transferred his studies to Leipzig the following year and this time was commited to the study of classical philology only. Arthur Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Idea greatly influenced him during his time at Leipzig!

Nietzsche was considered to be a most particularly brilliant

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