My Ideal Government

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The following is a very basic constitution of my idyllic government which is set in an imaginary country called Jans Port. It is divided into six articles that explain its offices and general functions. No, I am not terribly displeased with the United States government. This is the result of Civics assignment which I have since revised.

The purpose of the Constitution of Jans Port is to
discuss the government offices.
discuss the tax system.
discuses the military,
its offices.
and policy for maintaining a military.
There are six articles in the Constitution of Jans Port. Article What it talks about.
Article I lists the all of the officials, governmental and military
and their rankings according to their authorities.

Article II discusses the duties, the regulations
and the occupational outlook of each governmental official or office.

Article III discusses how laws are created, destroyed or altered.

Article IV discusses the duties, the regulation and occupational outlook of each
military official or office as well as the policy for maintaining a military.

Article V discusses the tax policies.
Article VI discusses the duties, the regulation and occupational outlook
of the Acumens and the Registration office.

Article I lists the all of the officials, governmental and military and their rankings according to their authorities.
Article II discusses the duties, the regulations and the occupational outlook of each governmental official/office.
Article III discusses how laws are created, destroyed or altered.
Article IV discusses the duties, the regulation and occupational outlook of each military official or office as well as the policy for maintaining a military.
Article V discusses the tax policies.
Article VI discusses the duties, the regulation and occupational outlook of the Acumens and the Registration office.

The Constitution of Jans Port

Article I

The following lists the government and military officers/offices in order of their authorities. Note that there are exceptions in which the authority of a lower group overrides a power that is listed here as higher.

The Five Emperiors
Elite Ordinators
High Ordinators
Royal Guards
Imperial Legionaries
Centurion Soldiers
Local Lord or Lady
Local Council


Article II

The Five Emperiors

Can create laws for the Elite Ordinators to vote on. Can change laws if
in agreement with the Elite Ordinators. Can veto laws passed by The
Elite Ordinators. Can declare war upon the agreement of the Elite
Ordinators. Can make ready for war with no one's consent. Command over
the army's internal affairs unless in conflict with the orders of the
Elite Ordinators. Direct control over the Royal Guards unless they have
broken a law and need to be apprehended. All of their decisions must be
made through a vote.

Can be individually withdrawn (one at a time) if 58% of all votes from
the Elite Ordinators call for it. Elite Ordinators can veto their laws
or actions. Cannot break laws. Cannot order actions of army’s internal
affairs if in conflict with the orders of the Elite Ordinators. Cannot
declare war with out the supporting vote of the Elite Ordinators.

Occupational Outlook
Any landowner, who is at least 35 years old and has served in the
governmental branch, can run in an Emperior election in which all
citizens can vote. All votes count the same. Terms are two years each
and a person may be re-elected four times maximum.

Elite Ordinators

Can create laws by vote to pass on to the Five Emperiors to vote on. Can
change laws if in agreement with the Five Imperiors. Can veto laws
passed by the Emperiors. Can declare war. All of their decisions must be
voted on.

The Five Emperiors can veto their laws and most of their actions.

Occupational Outlook
Any landowner, who is at least 35 years old and has served in the
governmental branch, can run in an Elite Ordinator election, which is
held by the 200 regions. All regional votes count the same. You must
also have lived in the region you are running in for at least 10 years.
Term is 2 years and you can serve a maximum of 5 terms.
Up to half of the Elite Ordinators can be re-elected in a single year,
so the regions switch off.

High Ordinators

Act as judges and government lawyers.

Decide punishment, prosecute or defend under local and or national law
depending on what court they operate in.

Occupational Outlook
Chosen, locally, by lords, ladies and councils. National judges,
stationed in the capital city, deal with cases that question the
constitution or national laws and are chosen by the Elite Ordinators.
No term.

Royal Guards

Personal bodyguards of the Five Emperiors.

Chosen and fired by the Five Emperiors, paid by the govt.

Occupational Outlook
See above.


Serve as guards to the high and elite ordinators. Also serve as local
police. Have extensive knowledge of laws and keep local laws from
straying from national laws.

Follow the orders of the office to which they are stationed.

Occupational Outlook
Chosen by local council or temporary committee for regional stations.
Chosen by a High or Elite Ordinator if serving as guards.

Local Lord or Lady

Act as governors of individual towns or cities. Can make local laws for
council to vote on if they do not conflict with the national laws and
are approved by a committee of twenty-one local Ordinators selected at
random. Can veto laws made by the local council.

Act as governors of individual towns or cities. Can make local laws for
council to vote on if they do not conflict with the national laws and
are approved by a committee of twenty-one local Ordinators selected at
random. Can veto laws made by the local council.

Occupational Outlook
Must be landowners and at least 35 years old. Elected in local lord or
lady elections in regional elections in which anyone living in that
region can vote in. All regional votes count the same. Term is 4 years
and you can serve a maximum of 2 times.

Local Council

Act as a city council. Can make laws to send to local lord or lady for
final approval or disapproval.

Ordinators or local lord or lady can veto laws. Local lord or lady can
veto actions.

Occupational Outlook
Must be landowners and at least 35 years old. Elected in regional
council elections in which anyone in that region can vote. All
regional votes are counting the same. Term is 2 years and you can serve
a maximum of 4 times.


Article III


Citizens may protest or right to their local officials or elected Elite
Ordinators. For how laws are made or changed within government see
Duties of the Five Imperiors and the Elite Ordinators.


Article IV


Commanding officers of the Imperial Legion.

Follow orders of Elite Ordinators or Five Imperiors depending on who has
the chance to veto unless the Elite Ordinators are making a notion of

Occupational Outlook
Chosen by the already current Legates.


Commanding officers of the Centurion Army.

See regulations of Legates.

Occupational Outlook
Chosen by current Tribunes.

Imperial Legionaries


Follow orders of their Legate.

Occupation Outlook
Anyone who has served as a centurion soldier for at least five years can
join/ are promoted.

Centurion Soldiers


Follow orders of their Tribune

Occupational Outlook
Any one can join but can also be kicked out.

To see who controls the military and who can declare war, read Duties of
the Five Imperiors and the Elite Ordinators. All citizens must receive
3 chosen months of military training each year from age 15 to 20. From
age 20 to 30 all citizen who do not work for the military or the
government must serve 2 months of military service. From age 35 to 40
you must teach in the military for one chosen month if you do not work
for the military or the government. Citizen may also be drafted if the
military lacks support. Citizen who serve in the military will be
compensated for their service but not as much as those who join the
military. Citizens can be drafted if there is an insufficient amount of
military personal in times of war or internal disturbance (internal
disturbances are declared based on the voted belief of the Five
Imperiors and the Elite Ordinators.


Article V


Sales Tax
10 %

Income tax

Property tax
5% of property value.

Article V


Article VI


Can investigates any one who they suspect of breaking national law and
present their findings to Ordinators who can in turn, bring some one
into custody.

Cannot investigate a person who they do not suspect to have broken a
national law. However, if in their investigation on possible national
crimes, if they discover that a person has broken local law, they can
report their findings to local Ordinators.

Occupational Outlook
Hired by current Acumens (those in charge, not just anyone).

Registration Office

Works to register all citizens.

Can only collect the information specified in their job descriptions
unless under orders of an Elite Ordinator or one of the Five Imperiors
in which case an Ordinator will decide if the questions are valid.

Occupational Outlook
Hired or fired by current registration officers.

If you have read this entire document, then I thank you for time and I hope you got something out of it.

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