Time, Reality, Infinity, The Universe

1 Conversation

Time and reality are unstoppable, indestructible. No matter how much you want time to stop, no matter how bad you want to escape from reality, it goes on. Is it controllable? Can we reverse time? Can we be freed from reality? Philosophers and people with way to much time on their hands have debated this for years.
A common belief is that our reality is made up of infinite universes that we choose our path through. Like a video game with a really good frame rate. Even so, it still takes time to choose which path you want to take.
If we stopped time and escaped from this loop, what would we see? Would our minds collapse just looking at the infinite universes, as in a popular Douglas Adams book? If you went back in time would you lose your free will, or could you still choose a new path through reality?
Since the universe is infinite, how could there be infinite universes? Maybe more than one infinity can occupy an infinite amount of space; infinity is quite an extraordinary "number".
In a universe made up of multiple planes of existence, each plane is infinite. The prime material plane that we live in is enclosed within other planes. Though there are different theories, some of these planes may include the ethereal plane, the astral plane, and the inner and outer planes. Some outer planes from religions throughout history are Pandemonium and The Abyss. In case anyone is wondering where I am getting all this planes stuff from, I used to play Dungeons and Dragons a lot, I think that it deserves some credit.
Maybe our universe is only what we perceive it to be. Like in the old saying, "If a tree falls in the middle of the forest and know one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Its all a matter of what we sense. If nobody saw or heard or sensed that tree while it was falling, then how do we know it fell at all?

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Infinite Improbability Drive

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