waverly iowa

2 Conversations


the most boring place on earth. town of approxomately 9000, closer to 10000 when Wartburg college is in session. the high school has under 800 people, and no one famous has ever come from waverly.


waverly, as has been mentioned before, is very boring. waverly is in the middle of nowhere. not slightly to the left, the dead middle. the nearest city that is of any intrest is des moines, which is a good 2.5 hours away.


if you ever happen to unfortunately be dropped off in waverly by an interstellar truck driver that you were hitchhiking with, there are some things you should know. if you absolutely cannot catch a lift with anyone out of this pathetic little town, here are some pointers.

1. there is a movie theater that holds 3 movies and graciously serves disgusting popcorn.

2. there is a pool if you are dropped off in the summer.

3. there is a bowling alley which really gets exciting when they turn off the lights and turn on the blacklight

4. if worse comes to worse, you can walk to shell rock and buy drugs.

5. there is no 5.

6. crash some loser parties that Wartburg students are throwing.

7. there is a small bike trail if you curb stop some kid and steal his bike. however, if you do happen to have a bike, you might as well take advantage of it and get the hell out of waverly.


corn, soybeans, and the occasional farm.


a small private lutheran college, a good sound system in the movie theater. waverly made 3rd best small town in the U.S to spend christmas. thats it.


waverly is a very religious town. there are a lot of churches, but only for christian faiths. if you dont go to church, you are "weird." 95% of the population are white germans (exaggeration).


unless absoluely unavoidable, avoid waverly at all costs.

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